[title]Lucidity Challenge 48[/title]
Previous Challenges
[size=84]LC I - TM and initiator: Ian1 - winner: -=JaSoN=-
LC II - TM: Magnus - winner: Q
LC III - TM: Q - winner: Bravsein
LC IV - TM: Bravsein - winner: WritersCube
LC V - TM: WritersCube - winner: dimsya
LC VI - TM: dimsya - winner: Queen SD
LC VII - TM: Ysim - winner: Mugiwara
LC VIII - TM: Mugiwara - winner: Ysim
LC IX - TM: Ysim - winner: Tundra
LC X -TM: Tundra - winner: ebilshrimp
LC 11 - TM: ebilshrimp - winner: Tundra
LC 12 - TM: HebrewB - winner: mattiasdavis
LC 13 - TM: Blue&White - winner: relV
LC 14 - TM: relV - winner: GHOSTIE11
LC 15 - TM: GHOSTIE11 - winner: unknownuser33
LC 16 - TM: Danielns13 - winner: rkr7
LC 17 - TM: Angelmouse - winner: pasQuale
LC 18 - TM: Magnus - winner: Amaryllis
LC 19 - TM: Amaryllis - winner: Dryalantha
LC 20 - TM: Dryalantha - winner: Shadow Dreamer and Amaryllis
LC 21 - TM: Shadow Dreamer - winner: Undecided (but probably Wyvern)
LC 22 - TM: Danilens13 - winner: tosxyChor
LC 23 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Wyvern
LC 24 - TM: Wyvern - winner: tosxyChor
LC 25 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Solaris
LC 26 - TM: Solaris - winner: Rhewin
LC 27 - TM: tosxyChor - winner: Rhewin
LC 28 - TM: Rhewin - winner: Siiw
LC 29 – TM: Siiw – winner: Rhewin
LC 30 – TM: Puce – winner: Wega
LC 31 - TM: Mimmo0 - winner: Limitles
LC 32 - TM: Limitles - winner: Nicklebrick
LC 33 - TM: Nicklebrick - winner: elnaureth
LC 34 - TM: elnaureth - winner: DreamSailor
LC 35 - TM: Ysim - winner: Koharo
LC 36 - TM: Rhewin - winner: HeadInTheClouds
LC 37 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Scipio Xaos
LC 38 - TM: Scipio Xaos - winner: Thorn
LC 39 - TM: Thorn - winner: Koharo
LC 40 - TM: HeadInTheClouds - winner: Wyvern
LC 41 - TM: Wyvern - winner: Thorn
LC 42 - TM: Thorn - winner: Wyvern
LC 43 - TM: Rhewin - winner: drd
LC 44 - TM: Thorn - winner: drd
LC 45 - TM: obfusc8 - winner: Thorn
LC 46 - TM: Thorn - winner: obfusc8
LC47 - TM: Mew151 - winner: Rhewin
[center][color=blue][size=184]“Our lives are different to anybody else’s. That’s the exciting thing, that nobody in the universe can do what we’re doing.”[/size][/color][/center]
[size=59]Image by leda74.deviantart.com/[/size]
Hello! Welcome to LC 48. I, Rhewin, and proud to once more be your humble task master… and this time I earned it .
[color=red]important changes in red[/color]
The Lucidity Challenge (LC) is a fun and competitive series of tasks that challenge your dream control abilities. It serves as a motivator to keep up good lucid dream practices. Whether you you have LDs every night or are trying for your first one, the LC is a great way to get more out of your dreams. If you just want to have fun, or if you’d like to explore deeper into your dream world, this is the place for you!
Challenge Structure
The LC will consist of five lucid dreaming tasks that are each posted seven days after the previous one. Each task will be broken into many subtasks that are each worth points, and each participant will attempt to accrue as many points as possible via finishing the subtasks in lucid dreams and normal dreams, having long lucid dreams, cooperating with teammates, and other means. After five weeks, the LC will end and the participant with the most points wins! He or she can host the next LC if he or she chooses; if not, hosting rights go to second place, and so on and so forth until a host is found.
For the most part, you’ll see the points awarded for your actions right on the score pages. For those of you who want the fine details, open up this length-controlling spoiler.
The scoring system includes a high amount of subjectivity and many ways of earning points. This means that each participant can challenge himself or herself appropriately by choosing which points to attempt to earn and by reflecting differently upon his or her own lucid dreams from the past when making dream length and personal goal decisions. Points will be awarded as follows; this is lengthy for the sake of covering exceptions to rules, so it’s less complicated than it looks!* Lucid Dreams and Induction Methods[list][*]You get [color=green]5 points[/color] if you wonder if you are dreaming but do not become lucid.
- You get [color=green]20[/color], [color=green]30[/color], [color=green]40[/color], or [color=green]50 points[/color] for a lucid dream you would consider short, medium-length, long, or your longest ever (respectively) based on lucid dreams you have had in the past. If you are entering the LC without any past lucid dreams, note that you will get [color=green]75 points[/color] for your first lucid dream and that your length scale from your second lucid dream onward will be Short ≤ 1 minute < Medium-length ≤ 5 minutes < Long < Longest.
- You get [color=green]50 points[/color] for becoming lucid through an induction method for the first time ever as long as the dream is not your first lucid dream ever. Note that I reserve the right to declare slight variants on methods as “not new” if nothing substantial is introduced.
- [color=red]Regaining lucidity is back, but a little bit different than before. If you lose lucidity and regain it in the same dream, you get a one-time bonus of[/color][color=green] 5pts.[/color][color=red] To be clear, these points are for regaining lucidity, not for waking up and chaining back into a dream.[/color]
[/:m][]Actions Within Dreams (see the Teams section for details on team-based points)* You get [color=green]the listed amount of points[/color] for completing a generic subtask or a subtask designed for your team. - You get [color=green]half of the listed amount of points[/color] for completing a subtask designed for teams other than yours.
- In uncommon cases, you may not receive any points for certain team-exclusive subtasks designed for a team other than yours.
- You get [color=green]30 “Lucid” points[/color], applicable once per task, for completing a subtask while lucid. Completing a second subtask for a task for which you already have this bonus will not award a second bonus.
- You get [color=green]20 “Early” or “Combo” points[/color], applicable once per task, for completing a subtask within a week of it being introduced or for completing a subtask alongside a subtask from another task, respectively. You can earn only one of these two 20 point bonuses per task.
- You get [color=green]40 points[/color] for completing a Team Dream individually and another [color=green]40 points[/color] for doing it with a member of its designing team, each applicable once per task. Extra points beyond 40 may be offered in some situations.
- [color=red]At the end of each task, each member of the team with the highest subtask completion rate will receive bonus task in the following round. Winning in the final task will give the team a special option that I will reveal later.[/color]
- You get [color=green]75 points[/color] for completing the LD4all Monthly Quest while lucid, applicable exactly once per Quest. If you complete the Quest active at the start of the LC before the start, you may “complete” it while lucid during the LC while it is still the most recent Quest to earn the 75 points.
- You get [color=green]100 points[/color] for completing a personal goal that you set in your sign-up post (see Sign-Ups for more information) while lucid, and [color=green]25 points[/color] for completing a second personal goal that you may pick after completing the first one while lucid. You may not change this goal before completing it once the LC starts, so choose wisely.
- You may get up to [color=green]10 points[/color] for being creative within your lucid dreams. These are subjective on the part of the hosts and are thus worth little to keep the LC fair but to encourage doing more than going through the motions in your lucid dreams. I reserve the right to issue a tiebreaker even if there is not a tie if we feel that the winner won only on these subjective creativity points.
When you claim points, please be sure to state the length of any lucid dreams you are claiming, which actions you are claiming for points, and which actions were done non-lucidly and lucidly. I highly suggest linking your dream journal or describing relevant parts, as this allows me to judge your point claims accurately, award creativity points if applicable, or find points that you may not have known you could claim.
You are free to calculate points to check your standing, but I am the official scorekeeper. If you feel that I made an error in points, please PM me immediately and I will either explain or correct the scoring. We’re all here to have fun, so if I disagree on how many points you have earned, please do not make a scene in public. While it sounds childish to say it, it’s been a longtime LC rule: if you don’t like how the hosts award points, then win the LC so you can make up your own rules!
[color=red]We are doing something completely new this LC! No longer are you bound to one idea. No longer do you have to choose between three teams that sound equally appealing!
In LC 48, every task will have its own unique teams. Some tasks might have two teams, others might have four. What are the teams? Who knows?! Crazy, right?
When a new task is posted, you will have 48 hours to pick a team. The teams have a limited number of spots available, so if you don’t act fast you might miss out! Members of the team that win that week’s task will have an advantage in the following task. The advantage will apply to all members of the previous team, regardless of what team they end up on in the next task.
Hopefully this helps with balance and fun. Or maybe the forum will explode. WHO KNOWS?![/color]
The LC will start after we have at least 15 participants. Also, due to a busy schedule this semester, I’ll only be able to start on a Wednesday, Friday, or the days of the weekend my time (GMT-6).
When signing up, please quote the sign-up list from the most recent post containing it and add your entry to the bottom of the list. Your sign up should include your username and your personal goal worth 100 points when completed. After the list, you should (but are not required to) say a bit about your motivations for lucid dreaming and your dream desires; if you want Team Dreams to fit your desires and motivations or if you want like-minded teammates, then you need to be clear about what those desires are!
A few more notes: I will read any dream journal entries you want me to read. Feel free to post dreams here or in your DJ. However, I will have a lot to read, so I will only read your DJ posts if you link them here. Also, if you do link a DJ post, please also summarize what you did for the LC in words. Not giving a summary or giving task numbers or part numbers that require us to check things only serves to slow down scoring, which is not what anybody wants. Unless you do want that. I hope you don’t though, because the LC is a much more fun experience without sabotage.
Good luck to everyone, and happy lucids !
Current sign-ups
- Thorn - Visibly and tangibly increase in musculature
- sea-dove - Rob a bank
- Koal44 - create a DC that have superpowers
- obfusc8 -
- James_UK2008 - Become an Anthro Dragon
- Scipio Xaos - S̶P̶A̶A̶A̶A̶A̶A̶C̶E̶! HULK SMASH. (I.e. Hulk TF.)
- Montebest - Grow a tail
- Susan_Y - Draw/paint something in colour while dreaming
- stari_maga - Cover an object in frost
- Letaali - Explore the frozen planet
- demented - Win a battle against my SC
- drd - Fire laser from mouth
- Awe - Emit electricity/lightning throughout body
- Oleg - Traverse beyond the known universe
- Jer - Fly to outer space
- Serpentoj - Create a multiplayer game and play with DCs
- Zellonous - fly
The Tasks