Obfusc8, you’re back, good to see you again
Hey Majah! It’s good to be back!
/me wonders where the rest of the LC gang are… like that 'strayan dude who jumps off cliffs… and the singing elven lady who tends the dream flowers… and that dude who was always turning into a dragon and grinding down rails an stuff… what was his name… …aaah too many dreamers lost in the night.
Although, we need that last sign up, 'cause my awe-inspiring recall for last night: One fragment.
^It appears I have been summoned!
I got home from the desert a couple days ago, and today I set my computer back up, just in time for the LC! So never fear obfusc8, I am the 10th signup!
- moogle - Do something in a LD - Preferred technique: DEILD
- Eilatan - Meet a Good Man - Preferred technique: MILD
- Q - see the future LD4all- tech… MILD/WILD
- James_UK2008 - Shapeshift myself. - Preferred technique: MILD
- Majah - Colour a tree - Preferred technique: RCILD
- Letaali - To finally revisit the Frozen Planet - MILD/WILD
- LucidWilliam - Climb a tree - Preferred technique: WILD
- Selkie - Befriend a DC
- Obfusc8 - Goal TBC (once I get some motivation back) - Preferred technique: DEILD
- DTDownUnder - Finaly find Letaali on the frozen Planet - DEILD
For this LC, this is how I will look. If you find a cave or a canyon, I will surely be in there somewhere!
(The reason I have such a dumb look on my face is because this pose is extremely painful, and the photographer was taking ages.)
Interesting choice for a personal goal there DTDU! So you only get points if I succeed? Bit of a handicap, I think.
All I have to do is find the planet, as soon as I do, I’m fairly sure you will show up.
(I’m tired and delirious, future me may regret my decisions, so I give him permission to alter them.)
I wish you good luck in this endeavour. If you haven’t read the dream where I visited the planet: It’s far away, cold, covered in ice and snow, has a purple moon and a big mountain with a giant tree and a town inside it. Be sure to ask the locals what the planet is actually called. A recent disney movie has made me regret the temporary name I chose for it.
Aaaaah, I am very glad to see we’ve finally reached the minimum number to fire this up !
[color=blue][size=150]Welcome everyone ![/size][/color]
Well, between me and you (and everyone else ) we had planned a scoring rule based on the preferred technique, but it got scrapped before reaching the final ruleset
Anyway, I am happy everyone indicated it, as it may be reused later on, who knows…
The list of participants has been updated
[color=blue][size=150]LC61 is planned to start this Saturday, November 25th[/size][/color]
Stay tuned
- moogle - Do something in a LD - Preferred technique: DEILD
- Eilatan - Meet a Good Man - Preferred technique: MILD
- Q - see the future LD4all- tech… MILD/WILD
- James_UK2008 - Shapeshift myself. - Preferred technique: MILD
- Majah - Colour a tree - Preferred technique: RCILD
- Letaali - To finally revisit the Frozen Planet - MILD/WILD
- LucidWilliam - Climb a tree - Preferred technique: WILD
- Selkie - Befriend a DC
- Obfusc8 - Goal TBC (once I get some motivation back) - Preferred technique: DEILD
- DTDownUnder - Finaly find Letaali on the frozen Planet - DEILD
- Siiw - Terraform - DEILD
I’d like to somehow make life spread into a lifeless place in a LD. I have had some dreams about terraforming before, usually using some kind of unknown forces or magic. Those are among my favourite dreams. I’d like to experience that in a LD.
I look like my avatar
Welcome Siiw ! You are just in time
Welcome to our last joiners!
I m happy to see we will be able to start soon
- moogle - Do something in a LD - Preferred technique: DEILD
- Eilatan - Meet a Good Man - Preferred technique: MILD
- Q - see the future LD4all- tech… MILD/WILD
- James_UK2008 - Shapeshift myself. - Preferred technique: MILD
- Majah - Colour a tree - Preferred technique: RCILD
- Letaali - To finally revisit the Frozen Planet - MILD/WILD
- LucidWilliam - Climb a tree - Preferred technique: WILD
- Selkie - Befriend a DC
- Obfusc8 - Goal TBC (once I get some motivation back) - Preferred technique: DEILD
- DTDownUnder - Finaly find Letaali on the frozen Planet - DEILD
- Siiw - Terraform - DEILD
- Susan_Y - See a garden - MILD
LC61 has officially started !
LINK to scoreboard
Note: Even though LC61 has already started you can still sign-up !
You have no penalties at all, and the tasks system is designed to allow more points in the ending weeks !
We wished a light-hearted them for LC61, hope every participant will take a nice, fun and relaxing pace to it
So we are throwing out a gigantic LD4ALL party that will last all along LC61, with each week having its own theme
First week’s theme is preparing the party !
We ask you to invite people to this party, clean and decorate the house, play music, take food and beverages for everyone, and have a touch of care for your guests, but especially have fun !
So here are Week 1 tasks:
Week 1 - Prepare LD4ALL party !
- âœ‰ï¸ Invite someone to a party +20 pts (or dance. You can do it by a phone message, a letter, face to face, …)
- 🎈 Decorate house for the party +20 pts (balloons, candles, garlands, … how will you do it ?)
- 🰠Bring food and beverages to the party +30 pts (you need to enter a building having some food or beverage with you)
- 📻 Turn music on +30 pts (hear any kind of music)
- ðŸ Clean the house for your guests +20 pts (clean the way you want, just let it shine!)
- 🔑 Put a box for key +20pts(Don’t let people go back home driving if they had alcohol!)
Task unlock giveaway:
Yes ! You also add the tasks you like to LC61 !
You have the right to unlock ONE task from the unlockables list below
Choose light-heartedly, you will be granted more unlocks in the next weeks
Taks unlocks have to be requested within one day from this post to be valid, and can be completed starting from the following night
[spoiler]Objects (see a… - # of pts)
âš½ Ball - 5
💻 Computer - 5
📱 Phone - 5
💺 Chair/Seat - 5
📠Table - 5
💡 Lamp/bulb - 5
ðŸ–Šï¸ Pen/pencil - 7
📠Stapler - 7
ðŸ–¼ï¸ Painting - 7
🅠Medal - 10
ðŸ–¼ï¸ Mirror - 10
🚗 Car - 5
🚢 Ship - 5
âœˆï¸ Airplane - 5
🚆 Train - 5
🛴 Kick scooter - 7
🚲 Bicycle - 7
🚠Helicopter - 7
📌 Excavator - 10
ðŸï¸ Sidecar - 10
🈠Cat - 5
🕠Dog - 5
🦎 Lizard/Gecko - 5
🜠Insect/Spider - 5
🦋 Butterfly - 5
🎠Horse - 5
👠Sheep/goat - 5
🦅 Eagle - 5
ðŸ Snake - 5
🼠Panda - 7
🊠Crocodile - 7
🦠Rhinoceros - 7
🅠Tiger - 7
💠Sloth - 7
😠Elephant - 7
🦌 Gazelle - 10
🨠Koala - 10
👨â€ðŸ”§ Mechanic - 5
👨â€ðŸŒ¾ Gardener - 5
👨â€ðŸ³ Cook/chef - 5
👩â€ðŸ³ Waiter - 5
💇 Hairdresser - 7
👩â€ðŸŽ¤ Singer/instrument player - 7
👨ðŸ Beekeeper - 10
🌳 Park/woods/forest - 5
⛪ Church/temple - 5
🌆 City/town - 5
🌊 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
🰠Castle - 7
ðŸ”ï¸ Cave - 7
🎡 Theme park/luna park - 7
🌋 Volcano - 10
💧 Waterfalls - 10
🗼 Paris - 5
🇮🇹 Rome - 5
🗽 New York - 5
🌉 San Francisco - 5
🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro - 5
🇯🇵 Tokyo - 5
🇨🇳 Beijing - 5
🇪🇬 Il Cairo - 5[/spoiler]
I will unlock mirror
I’ll unlock the painting.
I’ll take the pen/pencil.
I will unlock waterfalls!
Great to see that one third of the participants have already unlocked some task !
I’ll unlock the Chair/Seat.
GenghisKhan, when will the chosen unlocks become active? Is there a delay?
Unlocked tasks become active (valid for scoring) starting from the night following the unlock (no retroactive scoring allowed)
I’ve added this note to the relevant section in the first post
EDIT: obfusc8, sorry to read your motivation is very low…
As a reminder, you can still define your personal goal