Obliverum’s last visit date is the 31st for me. This is because the forum takes 24 hours (give or take a few) to register last visit times.
yep! ive been lurking a bit not logged in though too. sometimes logging into things is too much effort
im planning to get the signups/intro post together this weekend once im off work! be ready
Woo, yea! Signups! If you need any help us past hosts can do!
I’m in a similar boat as Koal. I get lucids… but they tend to be very blurry. (So many of my dreams in the last couple months have some synonym for “Blurry” or “Broken” in the title. )
topic and signups for the next challenge is up! [LC 65 - The Great Library! Books found: 38)
since this is my first time hosting please let me know anything i missed. i designed the challenge to be a little like a workshop, so everyone can get back into shape!