LD accomplishments

Out of all the things you’ve wanted to do the most in a LD, tell us about what you actually have succeeded to do so far. So far I have taken flight, driven really fast in a car, talk to DCs, and a few other things :peek:. How about you guys?

Well, so far, in the only memorable 15-second lasting LD I’ve ever had, I stuck my hand through a wall, told my teacher I was dreaming, jumped off the school building and flew around. ^^ I really hope to get better at it because I want to try out so many things!

That sounds kinda longer than 15 seconds to me :wink:

Hmm, you did all of that in just 15 seconds? Then just imagine what you could do if it lasted for 10 minutes :tongue:.

I have

flown… told a stranger that this was a dream ( she seemed angry after i told her… :eh: ) and flew into space… which i think lead to astral projection for a few seconds… :cool:

i have yet to find a spirit guide… and talk to a certain person that i cant seem to get to in my lucid dreams ( cuz something always stops me… :neutral: ),… and meet with God…

I used to be fanatical about meeting characters from various video games. After becoming lucid I’d walk around trying to create these virtual people for whatever purpose I had in mind. A lot of my initial results weren’t particularly encouraging though. I found some characters asleep, and I was unable to wake them. Others were standing around like statutes, unresponsive to any of my questions or prodding. Looking back, this is pretty much what happened when I tried to summon anyone except RL friends.

Eventually I determined that I’d have to find them in their own environment, which meant finding a way to visit these worlds which don’t actually exist. I’m not great at changing the environment (unpredictable isn’t always fun), but fortunately I did have some luck. A short while ago I found myself playing one of the games in question, and upon looking at some of the characters wandering around, I remembered that I was trying earlier to meet them in a dream. It dawned on me that I was in fact dreaming right then, and I was in the appropriate dreamscape to encounter the desired characters.

The next problem was trying to stop the characters from shooting me as I tried to talk to them, but hey, it was still fun.

For my feeling, it was 15 seconds, but it might’ve lasted longer in ‘real-time’ (even though apparently whilst lucid, your sense of time is normal again). The greatest thing was definitely just realizing I was dreaming, without any practice or techniques whatsoever (only an afternoon nap), and then sticking my hand through a wall, and telling my teacher I was dreaming. Not even the flying… just that realization. 't was the closest I ever got to being fully lucid. It’s too bad that back then, I didn’t know any techniques on how to stay lucid yet…

Meeting characters from the Final Fantasy series is definitely high on my list. :happy: And meeting my spirit guide.

edit: w00t I have two stars! :cool_laugh:

I messed with lots of dream characters in Lds, but when i Ld for some reason i just try to fly. Or ride this rollercoaster highway, but for me my ld’s seem kinda of fast. Except the last one I had it was the longest so far. What i really want to do most in my ld’s is change my dream scapes and mess with enivronments and time. Thats what im aiming for now :smile:

I love flying in dreams, and I am glad to have had the opportunity to do so while lucid. I also wanted to put my hand through a wall, which I did (briefly) and it felt neat.
One of the BIG things I wanted to do was to conquer an enemy in my dreams, and just the other night I killed one that had been haunting me for a while.
I still really want to control where I go, it’d be neat to find antarctica ( I may go there IRL this winter, that’ll be neat)
I also would like a chance to stop the zombies.
magic is up there.
maybe a spirit guide…
anything really would be neat, I’m up for it all!
oh, and put astral projection at the top of the list.

Atheist, that’s sounds like quite the adventure :wink:. Has anybody had success when trying to change their form? For example becoming a dog, or any sort of animal?

Last night I changed into a bird because I was trying to get away from these people who were going to shoot me. It was interesting. I was flying around with an arrow in my mouth and kind of spinning. That’s the only time I can remember doing that really.

Things I wanted to do and have already done:

  • Flying through clouds
  • Deform my dream body in all possible ways
  • Meeting deceased family/friends
  • Confronting dream enemies
  • Walking through walls, windows, trees and mirrors
  • Exploring space
  • Talking with DCs and trying to convince them that they are dreaming too (I made them do RCs and we had some deep conversations about the issue)
  • Hot sex with hot babes
  • Dream meditation
  • Breathing glass, water and bricks (this feels só weird)

Things I want to accomplish:

  • Further development of dream meditation
  • Finding dream guides
  • Finding dream anomalies to enter astral realms through LDs
  • Finding the boundaries of dream consciousness

The only thing I’ve done is flown over a river in this gorgeous green field… But that was well worth it :grin:


aydira, being a bird sounds like a lot of fun. I think it would be cool to turn into whale in the ocean. To communicate with al the other sea life, swim around with your family.

Or a house pet…like a dog :grin: I would love to be a dog, and roam room to room and listen tp different conversations and not only that but people will feed you!

mmm :content: green field, that seems worth it :wink:

I became a snake once. It was indescribable, the slithering sensation was amazing.

becoming a woman was definitely a sensation I won’t soon forget.
I guess I can’t know what it really feels like, since it was all in my head, but perhaps I have a better idea now.

Good luck with that astral realm thing mystic. I’d like to know more about this ‘dream meditation’ can you explain further?

Concerning morphing your avatar I’ve sone most things. Animals, real or unreal, liquids, objects e.t.c.

Actually my avatar is usually so much under my control that I get frightened when I have OBEs (because they are much harder to manipulate and your body feels real).

Something I’m tired of is food tasting bad in LDs, it happens every now and then. I’m not sure why at all. I think it is because your brain tries to get real signals from your tastebuds. The situation often arrises when you are similarly aware of the waking world and your own.

I’m also trying to get DCs to stay the same, they always seem to morph around just like texts in books (although not to the same extent)

Talking about accomplishements I really can’t think of something I haven’t done. I even had a Scrooge like safe filled with women once.

One tip: Try and give yourself amnesia in an LD (as in forget everything gradually, till you don’t know who you are) I guarantee you it will be one of the biggest scares in your LD life.

Thx :smile: Only a few times I was able to do dream meditation because this mostly caused me to wake up… If you do any kind of meditation in a dream, you’ll notice that it’s far more easy to do it than irl, and the results are often better too. The techniques I tried so far in a dream are light/colour breathing meditation and chakra meditation. Especially the light breathing is wonderfull. I only succeeded in doing this 2 times so far. In one of these dream, I put myself in a lotus position and made myself floating in the air (I read about such a dream in EWLD I think). Then I really concentrated on my breathing: the air I inhaled was like crystal clear white light, filling my whole body and my mind; the air I exhaled consisted of thoughts, emotions and tensions. The effect was highly extatic (lots of tinglings and stuff) but unfortunately I always woke up directly afterwards. Nevertheless, I could actually feel the warmth of this inner white light and there were glimpses of extremely high lucidity during which I totally understood the illusionary nature of the dream world including my own body. But these moments were very rare…
The few times I practiced chakra meditation were also nice: I did the usual energy raising techniques together with chakra stimulation. Almost immediately I felt its activity (irl it sometimes takes me up to 2 hours before I feel some substantial chakra activity). I could clearly feel energy raising through my legs up to the primary chakras right to the crown chakra.
Unfortunately I haven’t had such meditation dreams anymore lately, but I’m definitely going to explore its possibilities further. I tried some selfhypnosis in LDs a long time ago but that didn’t work out very well. Jeff will probably have a lot more experience on this :smile:

I’ve always done the Hum-sa or in the case of self hypnosis ‘slow count down’ or even stairs.

I can see why it would be more effective in an LD since you get fooling the senses x2. Haven’t tried manipulating it with that technique, something for tonight I guess.