LD and Afternoon Naps

About a week ago, I got home from school early and had nothing at all to do, and daytime TV sucks, so I decided to nap. Within about 1 hour or so I had 2 dreams. I never realized I could get into REM sleep so easily, and from being fully awake.

So, if you can dream in an afternoon nap, you can LD in an afternoon nap.
Hasnt happend for me yet though, but the more I try, the better my chances of success.

EDIT: Those 2 dreams were extremely vivid, and I cant believe I did not clue into the fact that I was dreaming. I was staring at an MSN screen, and I couldnt read the typing!

Naps are excellent for lucid dreaming. I’m not just saying this from my own experience, Laberge also proved that it will be easier to achieve lucidity in naps.

And from my own experience, naps are great for LDing. I nap quite often (not intentionally though :happy: ) and I have LDs very often while napping.

wow ive been gone a while. ok i used to have a lot of near lucid experiences while taking an afternoon nap. in fact all my lucid and near lucid experiences have been while taking afternoon naps. so i made a habit of taking one almost every afternoon. anyway i was doing fine until all of a sudden last month all my dream recall for my afternoon naps pretty much just died. i dont know wtf happened. i still have normal dream recall for regular sleep at night but i can never remeber anything that happens in my dreams when i take naps now. my chances of becoming lucid again in normal sleep at night are pretty slim to none id say, thats why i made a habit of taking a nap every afternoon, because i always came so much closer to lucidty in those naps. does anybody out there know whats wrong, or if there’s anything i can do to return my dream recall for these naps? i hope it’s nothing but a simple dry spell, if that.

Perhaps you’re body became to used to sleeping in the afternoon… and the REM periods lessened… Just a thought :neutral:

I was just wondering how many of you advanced LD’ers can nap and get LD’s. I know that it is sometimes the best way for me to remember a dream because I easily awake after some naps. I’m talking a good hour long or more nap. Probably no longer than 3 hours since I wouldn’t consider that a nap.

Usually I don’t remember dreaming at all when I take a nap… probably because I’m so tired.

Well, i don’t consider myself as an " advanced" LDers, but since i did have a lot of LDs during day naps… :wink:

Usually, i take naps around 5 and i sleep about 45 minutes… But sometimes i have an LD like 15 min after a fall asleep… And yes for me too it is a very good way to remember them correctly…

And i feel soooo good after a good LD nap… :tongue: :grin: And i think it is a good opportunity to try to WILD… I had some results with it…

Interesting. Hopefully I can be able to do the same. It seems I enter into a dream even faster when I take naps 45min to an hour long. I will have to try WILD with that sort of situation.

I usually nap for an hour and have 1 dream. I only once managed to have an LD and it was during class so I had to wake up.

That’s true. You would probably only have one dream. That means you gotta make it count. Usually the nap is long enough to take you through a full REM cycle. After that you wake up and remember the dream.

I merged several topics which were related to naps, so you can find more answers.

REM sleep has its own rythm quite independent from sleepiness. If you’re lucky enough or know when to nap you could hit a REM period. For example, chances for REM sleep are great before noon and very low at around 21h (+/- 2h).

In every 2.5h average the left and the right chamber of the nose alternate in their size marking opposite hemispheric dominance of the brain. It is said, that entering into dreaming directly is more easy if one try to sleep when the left nostril is more dilatated. Others say it’s just the opposite for man and woman.

It is said too, that if you sleep on your right side, the left nostril opens up more and causes a light shift in hemispheric doiminance. The Lucidity Institue has made a survey to figure out the reality behind these claims. It should have been already published but delayed again, for the second time.

So I’m not sure what to think. I planned to investigate myself but I always forgot it. I suppose, for me, it doesn’t worth the effort, yet of course I would like to do things as professional as possible.

Anyway, the nasal cycles last for 2 to 4.5h, which I think indicates it to be a superposition of many underlying cycles. The continous work of the REM governing apparatus is supposed to be only one of these cycles. Other ultradian oscillators should be involved too.

Morning light and eating habits are the two main factors that synchronize the REM cycles with the 24h day. I suspect the lunar day (which is shorter than 24h) also has a great influence on dreaming. For example, there are 4 period of the lunar day where not only fishes bite better but every animal seem to have a more active period.

I think napping is most efficient for having lucid dreams when active periods like this meet with an increased need for sleep. Deep sleep favoured to happen from 0100h to 0500h. Also, there is a period from 1300h to 1700h at the afternoon when it’s more easy to fall asleep. Napping is not easy during the inbetween periods, and its especially hard to fall asleep at around 2000h which known as a “forbidden zone” for sleep.

wow thats quite intresting popov! … hmm… when does that cycle start? … I mean what times does it assume someone wakes up and goes to sleep?

I’m impressed popov!

Does wild really work better for an afternoon nap?

Either that or waking up in the morning after 5-6 hours of sleep.

ive gotten used to doing it after 5-6 hours of sleep, still kind of a pain lol.

I merged your topic in this one, so you can find more answers.
You can use the search engine before posting, for instance searching for “afternoon” and “naps” keywords, then checking the “Search for all terms” button.

okay, thanks

I find LD’ng easier when I nap.