LD and Mental Disorders

Hey, I’m very interested in whether LD can help in dealing with mental illnesses, so if anyone could care to chip in with their own stories, it would really be much appreciated.

Also, I was wondering if anyone has ever used LD to get them through ominous social situations (in my case being more assertive and asking out this girl that I like)…

Thanks a lot, hope you guys can help me out here.

Hmm…I always practice oral reports in my LDs. I start off with a very lenient audience that is nice (to build confidence) but then make the audience more critical in order to improve my presentation

hmm… interesting, it reminded be i wanted to start a thread about crazyness! https://community.ld4all.com/t/the-most-insane-moment-in-your-life/13670/1
I think it can do both!
people with mental illnesses like schizophrenia or psychosis or such could for example talk with themselves for bigger insight and calming down?! - but I’m just guessing!
about the girl it should help to! but I got a good remedy for that! fight your fear and ask the girl.
I used to be very shy when it came to girls but then I started gradually starting conversations with girls I didn’t know and now I do it just fine! it’s harder to keep up the conversation. because I only have a few topics of interest in my life right now : music, ld, god, school, girls, sex!
if the girl is very interested in you, or very horny, she will help the conversation flow!
yeah but go mess with your dreams you’ll probably get good help, that no one else can give you!
:content: gOOd luck

Its actually recommended that if you have a mental disorder where you cannot tell real life from fantasy, that lucid dreaming may not be for you, lest you jump off a bridge attempting to fly because you think your dreaming or something :neutral:
But you can definately use it for social situations. I never have, I’ve used it for artistic inspiration though.

Its really hard to answer such question as mentall ilness can take a lot of forms.Im not a psychologist so i wouldnt know but im sure theres more to it than just “yes” or “no”.
But if i was to answer id say “i dont think so”

they may have a good point there!
since i re-started working on dream recall, i often tell people: “i’m not sure if i saw you or i dreamt about you”
try to get insanity to a kind of safe plan!
for instance if you are confusing reality try getting more down to earth.
but if you are just depressed or so, and even if you have a more serious problem, i think, inspite of the risk of getting more confused it will probably help you!
if you can comunicate with you’re innerself you’ll prolly get help and not harm! don’t you’z thinks?
but it’s difficult for me to distinguish wether my memories are from dreams or reality!

Well apparantly our levels of serotonin are depleted everytime we’re in REM sleep (so that includes LDing) so if taking anti-depressants that aim to boost serotonin levels you’re probably going to cancel the effects of the drug out if you have frequent LDs/sleep loads. This is probably why anti-depressants work: they reduce the amount of REM sleep although there are some that do the opposite of which I am on one :happy: We all have moments in waking life that seem far less real than some moments in the dream realm- what is reality but a bunch of senses perceiving stuff?! From my biased opinion I’d say screw confusion, enjoy lucidity and besides, LDs are tools for self-empowerment. There’s a famous quote: schizophrenics are people who possess superior wisdom who are living in an insane society. :grin:

According to ETWOLD some people have successfuly used LD’s to get through anxious situations such as performing in a concert, though I think it depends on the person.

About the not sure whether you’re dreaming or not, I remember reading on this forum about a guy who was at school, mistakingly thought he was dreaming and said a few things to a girl he shouldn’t have.

Wow, that must’ve been embarrassing.

In a research study I recently reviewed, the correlation between nightmare frequency/distress and emotional well being were tested. The research found that a high prevalence of nightmares went hand-in-hand with low emotional well being and psychopathology. It could be hypothesised from these results that addressing issues that occur in nightmares and bad dreams, or reducing the occurrence and intensity of these types of dreams, may lead to a state of higher emotional well being, maybe even decreasing specific forms of psychopathology.
From personal experience, sitting down and ‘having a cup of tea and a muffin’ with your nightmare DC is a great technique for getting to know yourself and for improving your emotional well being, whether you’re lucid or not. Some of my most invigorating dreams have been after reconciliation in a nightmare situation.