((ahead of time i apologize for the spelling))
My main goal was always to fight someone using fire like in avater.
So i wanted to know what your favorite LD battle/fight you heard about or aucally fought.
,W!zzFx LD
((ahead of time i apologize for the spelling))
My main goal was always to fight someone using fire like in avater.
So i wanted to know what your favorite LD battle/fight you heard about or aucally fought.
,W!zzFx LD
You should read Writer’sCube DJ, it seems like in every other one of his dreams, hes avoiding being eaten and or smashed. Plus, apparently he has a LD every night. Its a pretty good read otherwise.
Does it necessarily have to be in an LD? Because I’ve never fought in an LD but I have experienced some pretty cool fights in ND’s.
anyfight not irl
My coolest fight was actually in an ND:
For unknown reasons i was fighting a strange guy. Both of us were using elemental orbs. I had fire but he had darkness and ice.After some time fighting his ice orb froze my fire orb and his darkness orb devoured me. So i actually lost that fight and died. But it was the coolest fight i ever had ^^
The only fight I remember was in a ND. I don’t remember much details, but it took based in a video game type format. I remember there being hundreds of people and waking up before it ended.