LD before job/school ??

Hi i’m new here, so sorry if i posted this in the wrong place…

The subject says it all… Is LD a smart thing to do before job or school… Like i mean will i get awake by the alarm even if i’m in LD ?? Or will i get tired as hell when i wake up etc.


No problem. An alarm will also wake you from a LD like normally. Also lucid dreams in the early morning are a great way to feel energized all day. Only if you set numerous alarms for stuff like WBTB and WILD attempts It can cost you precious resting time, so just don’t wake yourself up too often. Also too many alarms can cause you to ignore the one that should have gotten you out of bed for work/school.

Hi, welcome to LD4all :welcome:

A lot of new dreamers are concerned about being tired after an LD. Like BeRightBack said, the only way you might feel tired is if you have too many alarms and you lose a lot of sleep that way. Even when lucid, your body and mind are still resting and you will still get the sleep you need. Also, your body has many natural ways to wake itself up, so while you can prolong dreams, certain stimuli like alarms, sounds and people trying to wake you up will still pull you out of dreams.

Thx for ur fast&quick help :smile:

Strangely, When I have a long dream that is interupted by my allarm then I do feel more tired for a little while after I get up then usual. However that goes away after abit.

A lucid dream is just a dream i which you are aware. So it shouldn’t be any different, and if it does start causing problems (which is incredibly unlikely) then just stop.

I personally feel more awake and refreshed after a LD.