LD, Feng Shui and mirrors

Hi there

I’ve a question about what your bedroom, dream-area looks like? Do you have any mirrors in your bedroom?

I’ve heard about some FengShui rules that one should not have any large mirrors standing in one’s bedroom.
To avoid the AstralBody seeing himself.
I know some dreamers who do in fact cover thier wardrobemirror with drapery or have removed any mirrors from their bedroom.

What do think about the theory that one’s AstralBody should not see himself and the reflections of energies caused by mirrors.

Any experiences?



It’s complete BS :grin:.

EDIT: okay, now seriously: dreams take place in your head. having a mirror won’t harm you’re ability to LD.

In my actual LD’s, I’ve seen myself in a mirror (many times). Nothing has ever went wrong through doing this.

I have heard people say you should never look into a mirror in a dream, because it will give a nightmare. It is not true. I have become lucid from seeing my own reflection several times!


So, I’ll leave my mirror as it is :wink:


@ Siiw: Been to Bodø once in summerholidays :beer:. Pretty north but calm.
Went on to Lofoten islands. Very peaceful. :smile:
Wish U some sunlight in your heart in your days. Winter doesn’t last 4ever - even up there.

I recently seen in an oriental shop a “feng shui dream mirror” that was suppose to help “focus chi” or something. :smile:

I’ve heard about astral body in a lot of stupid books but, from now, never related to feng-shui. This gigantic gap in the field of useless knowledge is finally filled ! :tongue:

well afaik, in feng shui it is said never to place a mirror directly opposite your bed. – not to have no mirror at all in your bedroom. (another gap filled basilus :tongue: )

i used to have a wardrobe mirror in front of my bed and i have stepped trough it in LD’s. (only to end up inside the closet though :lol: ) The best mirror i have ever stepped through was in the room where i lived when i studied. I had stuck the mirror on a wall, which was the outside wall of the house, so nothing behind it. That one has led me to some amazing worlds.

I’ve never managed to go through a mirror - mainly because I’ve enver tried :wink:. I was going to one time, but my dad apeared behind me and just stood there and stared at me (he also had no reflection). So I left the room :wink:.

I just look normal in dream mirrors :tongue: And I’ve never tried walking through one, I’ve tried walking through walls many times but no luck :sad: I think I spent my firstish 5 LDs on that :tongue:

And Q that must have been annoying ending up in the closet :puh:
Oh and Sureal, I think your dad is a vampire :wink:

I love looking at myself in the mirror, i look different every time. Last night i had long hair (i didn’t become lucid but my dream recall is A+), sorta like a hippie, while in real life i have short hair. I don’t know why it would give you nightmares. :confused:

I have a big mirror directly opposite to my bed, and i never had any problems with that. My astral projections start with “closed” eyes, and to achieve visuals i need to demand them. And when i start to see my room, it’s bit different than IRL also. Already this fact does show that you can have thousands of mirrors in your bedroom, and you can successfully astral project yourself, because you are projecting IN YOUR HEAD, not IRL rooms.

And i have looked some times to mirrors in LD-s and ND-s and they never bothered my dreams. Although sometimes i looked pretty normal in them, and sometimes pretty weird.

i tried to go through a mirror a few days ago when i was lucid, but i couldnt :sad:
and when i gave up and instead of trying to go through it, just looked at my reflection, my face started to change, looking weird and nasty and it really scared me, so i stopped and flew out of the window instead :smile:

btw: that was the same mirror thats really hanging in my room