warning : English is not my native language, may cause laughter
A bit long sorry…
Hi i’m new here, Actually I just discovered this site and the whole lucid dream kaboum yesterday…
I always been an heavy dreamer but all things esoteric, paranormal call it like you want i have tried have failed.
Without much conviction I tried to have a lucid dream last night, thinking about RC and stuff before sleeping.
And it worked…
It started as a normal dream, i was preparing some kind of strange drugs with my best friend when the girl next door ( 25 tall blonde cold as an ice cream in groenland ) enter in the room, it bothered me a little cause i have an autolocking door. That’s the declic. I said to myself “eh that’s too wierd it must be a dream” I became lucid for a few second then i woke up.
I was late for music school, I woke up in a street bed and took an elevator
where there was a lot of my colleagues in… I couldn’t remember which level was the metro so i dialed my digicode, by luck it was the good one.
On the paris metro ( subway in english ) there was big fast train and weird stuff so i looked at a girl next to me and i said to her " ok i’m still dreaming" she smiled and left.
I became lucid again damn it’s hard to focus…
I started doing weird things banging every girls on my way and so on…
Now a few questions and observations:
I tried to fly on the metro but i just flew a few meters the ceiling was worrying me. How can i change the global setting instead of just details, during the whole LD i had control on details but not on the setting.
I couldn’t walk across ( <-- not the good word ) the walls or create objects , i was a limited to logic/ plausible action in a very illogic world.
I saw scary stuff at some points ( a lot of vicious big dog, a tsunami on the beach ect… ) but wasn’t affraid and it was actually cool to be in danger.
there was a lot of sex, only girls in the streets absolutly no males, that only when i was lucid, on regular dream there was both.
DC seems to have some limited freewill, some were affraid of me others seems friendly ect… but i can banish them by shouting “get away from my dream you b…”
congratulations on your first lucid experiences (those are always exciting) and don’t worry about your english, you probably use more proper english than me and i’m a native speaker
i don’t think i’ve ever succeeded in changing the environment soi’m probably not the best person to answer this question (big hint to those who can and regularly do this to respond to this thread) but in theory i’ve heard people say that spinning like a top will work to change the environment, finding a mirror and walking through it, and something else… i forget shrug
“through” was the word you were looking for. you couldn’t walk through the walls.
anyway, here’s my explanation of this. yes it is a dream, and yes that means you should be able to do anything you want to, but a lotta times what you are trying to do fails… why ??? because (i don’t know how old you are but i’m 21) for 21 years my brain has been accustomed to operating in a world where people can’t fly, walls are solid and you can’t walk through them, and objects don’t appear just when you think about them.
practicing lucid dreaming isn’t undoing that programming it’s adding onto it. you have to teach yourself to believe “when i am dreaming, i can do all these thinks that are impossible in WL” and that, more often than not, takes time to get your mind to warm up to that idea
take it from me, who can walk through a wall in one dream, and go flying head first and smash into it in the next
it’ll come… just give it time
did you orgasm ??? i usually wake up when i have sex in my LDs (or NDs for that matter) the orgasm usually wakes me up. if you can have sex w/ multiple girls in one dream, i’d say consider yourself quite lucky
anyway, congratulations on your lucid dreams and welcome to the forum
About changing the environment , I actually succeeded but not in a “using my willpower” way. I simply took the train… and teleported on a beach in india. But i’m not a big fan of indian beaches so i guess it wasn’t really controlled.
Good point here. I was certainly inhibited by the “almost too real” sensation, but this LD was certainly less realitistic than the non lucid part of it, no in coherence but when you know it’s a dream you are a little biased ( ← not sure of this one ) I suppose…
By the way i’m 21 too
No no climax i wanted to do try too many things, i was like a kid in a candies store, tasting everything, no more than a few seconds with each girl before i lost interest ( a bit like in real life, that’s sad i know )
eh I LD’ed on the first try so i’m quite lucky indeed
To change the dream scene imagine yourself spinning in place. Then once you are spinning close your eyes and imagine a new dream scene without opening them.
Welcome to the forum, congratulations on your quick success in lucid dreaming; I have a feeling many people are going to be jealous of you.
Making drastic changes to a dream is possible, but difficult because your brain isn’t used to it. You can trick your brain, however, by inventing excuses for why things should happen. For example, if you wanted to create ice cream, you might say to yourself “they always serve ice cream in metros like this” and wait for someone to come by and offer you ice cream.
Walking through walls takes a little practice. The best thing to do is to walk directly through the wall without hesitating; don’t feel the wall with your hands or anything–your brain is used to feeling walls with your hands, but isn’t used to feeling you walking face-first into a wall so it might allow you to just walk through.
The reason why there were only girls on the street is because you were thinking, in general, about sex and girls. When you have vague concepts on your mind, your dream can reflect this. Similarly, if you were thinking about cheerleaders, you would perhaps see only cheerleaders walking down the street.
Do not worry and keep practicing. You just have to get used to being lucid. Everyone has trouble controlling things at first. As you have more LD ‘s your dream control will get much better and your LD ‘s will get more vivid. When you first realize you are dreaming do something to stabilize the dream. This may help you get a little more control and make the dream more vivid. Always try to stay active with the dream. If you have too much down time while trying to figure out what you want to do you can loose the dream or loose lucidity. So, plan what you want to do in your LD before you go to bed. Never close your eyes at first, this often wakes people up. At all times try and stay calm. If you get to excited you may wake yourself up.
Yes, if you really expect them to be there they will. It all comes down to letting go of your waking life rules, morality, and expectations. None of them apply in dreams. To shamelessly copy a line from a move, “you have to realize there is no spoon”.
Bonjour, voutre compétence de rêve lucide, est tres bien. Vous semblez être bien avec rêve lucide. Je me n’inquiéter pas de le rêve contrôle, J’ai fait rêve lucide pour un an et une moitié! Lol. Je suis essai à la commande ca, comme vous.
Plus, votre anglias est pas mal. C’est déjà meilleur que mon anglias!
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist
Killer Joe, what method did you use to remeber dreams, to get lucid, etc?
oh my… yep your french is … need some work I guess
Method used to remember dreams: none… I still remember most of this night multiple ND ( bwgen induced maybe? It will need more experimentations ) , and the one from yesterday… and the day before… sorry if it sounds pretencious but if I think about it on the morning I can remember some of my dreams for a few days.
To get lucid: once again none… I thought about LD before falling asleep, and once in my dream there was a declic: “eh this is weird, probably a dream” no RC or other method but this is still quite new ( 3 nights ) so it may be improved by using RC, and stuff.
After an interesting dream I usually wake up and sleep again 5 minutes later so I will try to WBTB .
Be sure that once I find a succesful and precise methodology I will post it