Last night I had an idea to increase dream-count, recall, and lucidity for that night. I had great results in all three categories. First I’ll tell you what I did. Then why I think it worked. Right before I got ready for bed. I started drinking lots of water. Then went to the bathroom, and had one more glass of water before slipping into bed. Well just as planned. I had to get up in the night many times to go to the bathroom. Every time I got up. I did some sort of recall on the way to the bathroom, drank a glass or half of water on the way back to bed. Using all the time recalling any dreams I might of had. Along with focusing my intent of becoming lucid when going back to sleep.
I had great results with 5 dreams and 1 lucid dream recalled last night. This is allot for me. My idea was to sleep lighter then normal. I was going to achieve this by waking up numerous time through out the night without using an alarm clock. I didn’t want to use an alarm clock cause it has no natural effect to wake you up. You start to fall into a deep sleep right when the alarm goes off and you wake up. No telling where you are at in a REM state. You alarm keeps going off and you have to keep going back to sleep. That does make you make you sleep lighter but not in a natural way. It’s like every time you go back to bed you start to fall progressively deeper asleep until the alarm goes off. Then you are abruptly woke. At the deepest part of sleep your alarm let you get to.
If you drink enough water that you will have to go to the bathroom more then once. Use the bathroom then drink some more. You should be able to go to the bed, and be woken up naturally in like an hour because you have to go to the bathroom again. When you do this, drink more water. Then go back to bed. Instead of just slowing falling deeper asleep until you wake up again. like with the alarm clock. You will fall deeper asleep for about half the time. Then you will have to go to the bathroom, and slowly start waking up naturally. Maybe that will trigger off a REM of sorts?
Maybe it was the extra time I’ve been putting into LD’s lately. But it helped me have a Lucid dream last night. I’m going to try it again in like 2 days. I had to go to the bathroom so many times last night. LOL. I kept drinking water every time I was up to use the bathroom throughout the night too.
Hey I’ll try that tonight! I’m going to be watching TV before bed, so I’ll just keep on drinking and drinking… It’ll probibly be good for me too since I dont drink enough water
well, it worked for me last night. i drank lots and woke up three times in the middle of the night having to go, and few other times to my alarm clock. i had a total of six dreams recalled, two of them being lucid. one of them being one of the clearest/longest i’ve had in a while. i’m happy
this method works as a great alternate to having an alarm clock. so, if you don’t wake up in the middle of the night on your own, and you don’t have an alarm clock. drink lots of water, you will wake up… trust me. good find Jihad Dreamer! it’s also healthy, yea!
I was reading in LaBerge’s EWLD that people tend to wake up for at least a second or two after the end of each sleep-cycle; but usually, we just instantly go back to sleep, start a new cycle, and don’t even remember awakening. My question is - have you all found that the WUHTP method (Wake-Up Have To Pee ) follows this cycle? Do you tend to wake-up and have to go to the bathroom after having finished an REM period (when you would have awaken naturally anyways), or does it occur at random times?
that’s a interesting question there sage… lemme check when the times i woke up were. i went to bed at about ten till nine… and woke up at 1:18, 2:48, and 5:32 because I had to pee.
that would mean i woke up to pee at about 4 hours and 28 minutes from initial sleep, 5 hours and 58 minutes from initial sleep, and 8 hours and 42 minutes from initial sleep.
i wonder if drinking lots of fluid before sleep will help you have better recall, because you will wake up right after dreaming most every time. i remembered a total of 6 dreams last night. i’ll try again tonight.
Another success story… I haven’t had an LD for almost a month but decided to try the WUHTP method last night. Not only did I have amazing dream recall, I had a nice LD. This method is definitely worth a try if you haven’t yet.
I finally got this to work last night, woke up once around 2:30 AM (2 hours after I fell asleep first). Remembered bits & pieces of my dream but that was it…I probably woke up again later but I didn’t recall anything. I’m gonna keep doing this until I can condition my body to NATURALLY wake up like this every night.
Good method! I tried it and woke up about 5 hours after I went to sleep. I recalled pieces of a very long dream, longer than any dream I’ve ever remembered! Also, normally I don’t remember any dreams from my first ‘dream period’ (I hope you understand this), but now I recalled this long dream. Thank you for sharing this method with us!
Often you incorporate external events into your dreams. How many times have you dreamed about going to the washroom and then wake up and have to go.
So why not use that as a reality test. Maybe urinate on your foot to see if you’re dreaming (just kidding). Every time you go to the washroom (awake) do a RC (Reality Check). Drinking before bed increases your chances of having to go during the night and if you incorporate such events into your dreams you have a good chance of increasing your awareness/Lucide_Dream by doing a RC.
I’m going to try this out tonight.
Rather than call it the WUHTP method why not add some marketing value by calling it the “Pee In Sleep System” or PISS.
All my dream senses where really alert that night. It was like I was recalling everything naturally without effort. I really didn’t have to think about recall. It was just there. But when going back to bed. I think of both LD’s and regular dreams. I Also Concentrated on my RC‘s. I use my hands and text to do all my RC’s
BTW: Do you think that I can´t have LDs because my life is pretty busy at this moment? In morning 07:00 I go to work and come home abaut 15:30 and then in 17:00 I go to school and come home abaut 19:00 and go to sleep abaut 23:00-00:30 and the all over again. So I don´t have pretty much my own time.
Well, I tried it, but I couldn’t get to sleep because of my stupid cavity hurting all night. I didn’t get to bed until like 4 AM and by then I had pissed like 4 times and my balls and body were tired, and I just didn’t bother refilling the cup… went to bed, didn’t have to piss, just went to sleep, had barely any dream recall. I think I’ll try again on saturday night maybe.
This sounds like a good method, I’ll try it tonight.
It will also be a good chance to try WILD when I wake up.
Your body is a lot more efficient with a lot of water. If you are very hydrated you can be something like 30% more efficient in exercise. This might also be the same for our recognition of strange events.
The idea of doing reality checks every time you go to the toilet is good. I think with needing to get up that many times you would definetly dream of them.