Hey, I am 18/male . I have been LD since I was about 7, although I didnt know the name for it until this year. Prevously I thought I was the only one to expierince such crazy dreams, until I was browsing some meta-physics sites an found the term lucid dreaming.
Anyways, I can LD pretty much 1 out of 2 or 3 nights that I try. I was wondering why does it come easyer for some, when others try for months and cant do it once??
I do have a theory but I am still working on it. It involves the central nervous system, GABA, and dopamine. I will post it once Ive completed my research and everything.
I use WILD after 5 hours of sleep i wake for 2 hours max and go back to sleep, HOWEVER some nights I am able to go right to sleep into a LD
Err, I think it’s natural, whatever theory you have. My friend is one of those so called natural lucid dreamers and he gets lucid dreams like 1/3 dreams he has, but he doesn’t understand what to do with lucidity.
I told him to go and fly and he just said “why bother”…
People who don’t take too much pressure on having ld’s and have alot of confidence, get lds eadies. If you’re like “omg I gotta have lucid dream just this night or else I will be very sad” kinda person, you won’t succeed.
Lucid dreaming is hardly related to central nervous system, GABA or dopamine. If they would affect lucid dreaming frequency, Stephen LaBerge would have propably found out something about it. It’s all about motivation, proper technique, good timing and good attitude.
BTW. people seem to have lucid dreams when their young, and atleast 60% of the people get them occasionally, so you’re not the only one
i disagree in a way, i jsut belive that it is because yo uare more in dept with yourself… kind of lie waht meditating does to you. Some people are aware of their saroundings, others play life like a peon. My guess is that you are just more controlable over your desires from your body… just my opinion
In my opinion, the ability to lucid dream comes from emphasis on dreaming through one’s upbringing. Most of us either lose interest in dreams, or come to favor a different (perhaps more important) element of life. In either case, people will always develop a routine, whether this includes conscious dreaming or not. It’s difficult to change your routine, so for most of us intent on developing this skill later in life, it’s quite a challenge to reprogram our existing routines.
For some, lucid dreaming becomes their routine, and the skill remains often for the duration of their life. Why do you think “naturals” all claim to have been able to LD for many years? You never hear of someone learning about lucid dreaming, then becoming a master overnight. It’s all about being able to change your sleeping routine.
Consider someone who was taught to write at a young age. By now, if surrounded by illiterate people, they would be praised as a ‘natural’, while everyone else struggles day and night to memorize the alphabet. Once again, it’s all about what you develop into a built-in routine.
I have one problem with your idea Atheist. If you where taught how to writ then it’s something that you where taught. wouldn’t a natural do it without any one ever showing them how to.
I believe a natural is having the ability to do something well without anyone ever showing you how to.
I think it just comes naturally to some, and not so much to others (like me…)
I’m almost positive that all naturals weren’t raised with their parents saying “Remember, dreams are very important…”
It’s just, some do, some don’t. Like…Singing! Yeah, singing.
That’s my point, I don’t think either writing or lucid dreaming is a natural ability. It just seems to be the people who developed and maintained this ability from a young age that have no problem now, where the rest of us are actually trying to change our sleep routines to be able to do it.
It’s quite possible that all people can lucid dream easily at a young age, but only those who continue to do so rather than ignoring the skill actually retain the ability.
I still think it can be a natural talent. I never had LDs before i knew what they were. I beleive there are some people that remember their dreams and occasionally have lucid dreams. With writing you have a lot of control over your hand, but with LDs you don’t. I think some people’s minds are just so clear that they will automaticaly have LDs when they are young, without hearing about them and without thinking that they exist before they experience one.
I guess it could only be proven by tests or if anyone thinks they are a ‘natural’ they can tell us why they think so.
I think there has to be a lot to do with perspective here, as well as what Athiest said.
If your like 5 years old, and having lucid dreams regularily, its probably because you did it once by accident and kept doing it to avoid a nightmare or something. You were just a little kid, with a simple take on things, all you had to do was say, “This worked once, so I will do it again!” And its just that simple.
Then, if your 30, and just learning how to LD, it’ll be a bit more difficult for you. Not only will you be immersed in facts and research and tonnes of info on LDing, setting up the presumption that it is hard to do, you’ll also be challenged with introducing a completely new idea/practice into your life, which you havent been doing for 30 years. Its bound to seem difficult at first.
What a lot of people need to realize is that Lucid Dreaming is easier than they may think. (I’m one of them! )
Up until four years ago I had only had one lucid dream as a child when I knew nothing about them. Since I’ve become more interested my lucidity has improved but I do think learning about the subject at an earlier age would have made the task a lot easier.
I do think lucid dreaming is learnable for most people.
But i do really think there are differences between people… just look on this forum, some people have been trying for months or even years without any results! while others might manage it after just a day or 2.
Well, as they say, practice makes perfect. But being older shure makes it harder because you doubt LD or question LD so much. Foe example: Am I going the right way to MILD, or should I be trying WILD. etc.