This morning i had 2 lds, but the first one is the one that really seemed weird. I don’t remember exactly how i became lucid but i know it was because i noticed something out of place. I went outside and there was this weird Gypsie lady who kept coming close to me so i said something and tried to make a lion appear so she would run from it . The lion appeared but she didn’t run, she touched its forhead and it went to sleep at her feet . Then i tried to run from her and fly away but she followed me. I couldn’t get away she was like a super DC!! so i flew straight up into outerspace and it was a beatiful image, but then everything started spinning and i was at what seemed like a lucid dream council.
I was floating in mid air and i was surrounded by these Big floating magnetic balls and that gypsie lady was in the corner watching. I didn’t have any power to do anything or Fly away . This loud powerful voice began speaking to me, i don’t remember exactly what was said but it was something about don’t abuse or waste lds or somthing like that. Then he said in a very serious voice “You Have Been Warned” and let me go. I asked if i could go back down to the ld, but he did a evil laugh and said not a chance, then i woke up . Has anyone else had any experiences like this?