ld last night...Lucid Dream Council?

This morning i had 2 lds, but the first one is the one that really seemed weird. I don’t remember exactly how i became lucid but i know it was because i noticed something out of place. I went outside and there was this weird Gypsie lady who kept coming close to me so i said something and tried to make a lion appear so she would run from it :tongue: . The lion appeared but she didn’t run, she touched its forhead and it went to sleep at her feet :confused: . Then i tried to run from her and fly away but she followed me. I couldn’t get away she was like a super DC!! so i flew straight up into outerspace and it was a beatiful image, but then everything started spinning and i was at what seemed like a lucid dream council.
I was floating in mid air and i was surrounded by these Big floating magnetic balls and that gypsie lady was in the corner watching. I didn’t have any power to do anything or Fly away :help: . This loud powerful voice began speaking to me, i don’t remember exactly what was said but it was something about don’t abuse or waste lds or somthing like that. Then he said in a very serious voice “You Have Been Warned” and let me go. I asked if i could go back down to the ld, but he did a evil laugh and said not a chance, then i woke up :content: . Has anyone else had any experiences like this?


Thats weird man. I dont know what to tell you.

Its propably a part of yourself that worries about not using lds only towards self development.Maybe u feel a bit guilty about using them for pure fun or sex?Nothing wrong about it but some rules that has been put into your head might be expressing themselves this way.

first of all that dream was cool as hell

but anyway, what do you think the voice was talking about? what were you doing in LDs for that this council deemed a “waste” ???

anyway, there’s a philsophy in this martial art i take called the 5 Fs of training. the first one is “fun” because with any thing you do, if you’re not having fun, you’re probably not going to stick with it (the rest are friendship, focus, fly your spirit, and finish your goal in case you care)

but, i dunno… maybe you’ve had enough fun, time to move on shrug

lucid dream council…
this is curious…what if…what if there is such a thing. what if the ability to lucid dream is a gift of some kind. what if all our dreams are being wathed and monitored…and what if micheal jackson and courtney love had children? would they even be human? some questions just aren’t meant to be answered… :grin:

but seriously, could this so called “LD council” exist? and could they really switch off your ability to LD? that thought is scary in it self…(especially for someone who hasn’t even had one yet :grrr: . oh well, who knows for sure…

:lol: :grin: :uh: at previous post

lol, yea it was a crazy ld. Im not sure what the voice could of been talking about, but the only thing i can think of from that dream was harming the lady with the lion. Maybe i should try to reach there again in my next lucid dream and have a talk with the voice :smile:
