LD last night

Last night i had a dream that took place at night, and i was in my room and i saw a number, but it was a number i never saw before. Then that is when i relised i was dreaming. I did a reality check and after that the dream got really unclear, i screamed Increase Lucidy, i screamed it loud. Then it got clear again. Then i went and was going to try to change it to day but then i woke up. I think it was my second LD, but it was still as clear as a ND! Even after i kept saying Increase Lucidy! What am I doing wrong? I want a clear one.

Maybe you’re a bit too excited? Try to calm down and steady yourself a bit if this is the case. And remember, some things come with practice.

I cant remember being excited. You would think that it would still be really clear even if i was excited. I just want a decent LD. Ill try to calm down if that is the case though. And i will practice on it more.

Yah, practice is the key. Good luck with that by the way. :smile:

Be glad, be very glad that at least you LD. Some people don’t have the luck you do and won’t have an LD for years. Sit back, relax, and keep practicing, it WILL come to you :smile:

Yeah, I still havn’t been fully satisfied with my LD s. I’ve had 6 so far started about 9days ago same as yougamer my bud :tongue:
Well, I also need some work with LD s. So far i’ve had one every other day and 2nd night 2LD and lastnight LD and ND

I hope it doesnt take a year for me

take a longer lucidity pill out of your pocket and swallow it :smile: (if your DC’s let you)