I am glad to say that i am entering a stage where I can LD for about 10-15 seconds in a dream around twice a week
However… I am having alot of problems with manipulating/changing my environment once I realise I am in my bed dreaming. I can walk around my environment experiencing almost “real-life” vividness, but I cannot walk down certain paths, go where I want to go and if I try to fly, i end up throwing myself onto the ground!
A mixture of excitement and then frustration causes me to wake up from any lucid REM sleep I have… I’d be extremely greatful to anyone who could suggest methods/tricks into learning how to manipulate the dream environment!
Hmmm… I have trouble flying in my normal dreams but I had a lucid dream where I verbally commanded myself into the air and then where I wanted to go… i.e. “Up!” or “Forward” that might help you at the beginning. When I did that i really rocketed and it was all good straight flying… no wobbling.
As far as affecting the dream world… I find the easiest way is to do it by expectation. As soon as I expect something in a dream… BAM… there it is. In my most powerful lucid dream to date I conjured an apple to test my reality by holding my hand palm down and then turning it over expecting the apple to be in my hand and there it was. This might be a good way to go about it until your will to change reality gains some strength. Sometimes it can be hard to really trust that gravity and other laws of physics have no control over you.
I think that when the lds are still pretty short, one has a tendency to try and do as much as possible before the time runs out. However, if you don’t really try to do much at all at first, then you’re mind will get more accustomed to the bizarre mental state. The more accustomed you get, the more you can experiment for longer periods of time.
-But then again, who wants to wait
Thanx guys!
next time I go lucid, I’ll try the tips that you suggested and see if i can at least last long enough to try something interesting in my LDs
I have no problem doin anything in lucid dreams. i think i have done everything but thats impossible. anyway u gotta be confident in urself and creative. This is a good way to explain it. As Morpheus would put it “Don’t think you can. Know you can.”
I had my first LD ever on Saturday night and the first thing I tried to do was fly. But when I tried to fly I jumped right in the air and then dropped right back to the ground. Then I just stopped being lucid after that and went back to going with the flow. It was weird.
Just out of curiosity, is the Matrix about dreams or something else? or a combination?
I had my first LD ever on Saturday night and the first thing I tried to do was fly. But when I tried to fly I jumped right in the air and then dropped right back to the ground. Then I just stopped being lucid after that and went back to going with the flow. It was weird.
Just out of curiosity, is the Matrix about dreams or something else? or a combination?
The Matrix dosn’t have anything to do with LDs, though I have seen a few movies that are based on them.
The most blatant use of LDs was definately Vanilla Sky. The entire movie was based on the concept that once you die, (if you’re rich enough) you’re body can be frozen and your mind still has the ability to create a LD.
It’s interesting watching some of these movies that don’t actually use the word ‘Lucid’, and so you don’t even really understand it untill you’ve started experiencing it yourself.
All the best movies are directed by people who are either practised at Meditation/Lucid Dreaming or on serious drugs
rofl, a shait load of the best people at a number of different fields use drugs; artists (needless to say), psychology ( freud might not be the best but he came up with lotsa stuff thats taught today and he snorted coke), writers the guy who wrote fear and loathing in las vegas is a nut, and he does a lot of shit.
I would say that the Matrix is about dreams in a way. The Matrix probably utilizes the same theories that are behind the dreaming brain sort of. It is feeding you impulses that attempt to recreate the world in unconscious humans.
Morpheus and his crew are those dreamers that know they are within an artificial state and are therefor able to effect their surroundings to a certain extent.
The concept is similar. That is, that people can experience things delivered from electrical pulses while unconcious just as they do in the real world while awake.
However, the movie is not based on LDs. They make it clear that the ‘Fake’ world is in fact a computer simulation, and not the product of each persons individul mind, with no external input (like dreaming).
The movie certainly does open the same doors though, and raise similar questions. In fact, most of it can easily be related to LDs, particularily certain quotes from Morpheus.
The concept is similar. That is, that people can experience things delivered from electrical pulses while unconcious just as they do in the real world while awake.
However, the movie is not based on LDs. They make it clear that the ‘Fake’ world is in fact a computer simulation, and not the product of each persons individul mind, with no external input (like dreaming).
The movie certainly does open the same doors though, and raise similar questions. In fact, most of it can easily be related to LDs, particularily certain quotes from Morpheus.