I went to the office to check my email, and it was too dark in the office. I was having a hard time seeing. So, I went to turn on a light switch, and it didn’t work, so I tried the next one, and it didn’t work.
This, of course, is when I realized what was going on. I remember being calm when I realized it, but that didn’t last long.
The lights obviously wouldn’t turn on, and it seemed to get even darker in the room, and it freaked me out. I ran to the office door, and it wouldn’t open. I was screaming, but I knew in my head that I was screaming to myself, and that no one would help me or hear me.
I woke up shortly after, very panicked and out of breath. I am still freaked out many hours later.
While I am extremely pleased to have had this experience, and excited at the possibility of having more, I didn’t handle it well. I want to be able to enjoy it, not panic and freak out.
Remind yourself that it’s a dream and that you can’t be harmed in anyway
Expect the lights to work, and they will.
You let your fear overwhelm, turning it into a nightmare. You expected it (the dream) to get worse, so it did (it got darker and the door wouldn’t open).
If you can’t open a door, remind you’reself that it’s a dream and so it will work if you say so.
If the door still doesn’t work, trying walking through it/the wall
Failing that, pull out a bazooka (turn around and expect to see one behind you) and blow a hole in the wall .
If you really have to, wake yourself up (not advisable IMO). This is easy to do - try closing your eyes and laying down as if you were going to sleep again. Or try forcing your real eyelids open. There’s countless ways to wake yourself up.
So, the key thigns you should remember:
Dreams (especially lucid dreams) are based of expectations, both positive and negative.
You can’t be harmed (so don’t fear).
If you can’t escape, use your imaganition to come up with origional ways of getting past the problem.
LOL ! It makes me remember of a member we have on a French forum. She had always bad encounters when she began a LD. One night, without having meeting anybody yet, the first thing she did was pulling out a bazooka from under her bed, and then she searched a monster to fire a shot at ! LOL ! The most funny is that she never met the faintest monster in this LD, and that she never met any monster again !
Aliminx, you made bunches of “errors” in your LD ! Running away, screaming, etc. In your dreams, your actions are instructions for the further plot of the scenario. If you’re acting like in horror movies, your dream will look like an horror movie. Try to act more “positively” in your next dream : for instance, if light switchs don’t work, create magical floating lights with a finger snap (I tried this, it’s very funny and cute ! ) If you meet a “monster”, say him “Hello !” and have a little talk with him (“Who are you ? What are you doing there ? etc.”.