i waz thinken i read that winter depression is caused from increased MELLETONIN levels and i read that melletonin supplements MIGHT help to increase LD’s so when winter comes around it could be more possible to get them…and in the spring when the mel. lev. drops and the seritonin lvs goes up maby u will get a dead peiriod were u wont get any LD’s for a month untill your body gets used to it again,… i dont know if its true but just a thought and maby melletonin supplement could be used to graduly udjust the body to a lower level in the spring
This doesn’t seem to effect me at all, in fact it sems to be the opposite for me. At the moment in Australia it is just the start of sring and i had a LD after a dead patch during winter. Although i still had LDs in winter, just not as many as usual. This doesn’t mean that the levels of the stuff don’t affect people, it might just mean that it doesn’t have a strong affect as other things. Or it might be different for different people. This is my first year of LDing so, maybe some more experienced LDers can tell us if they have noticed any pattern.
I usually only have lucid dreams during the summer, mostly because school starts at 7:30 so I don’t get very much sleep, and I don’t have as much time to devote concentration to lucid dreaming during the school year. I have spontaneous ones once every month or two during the school year, but they usually don’t last very long and the lucidity isn’t very high.