I’m just curious as to what notable abilities people have and how powerful those abilities are.
I consider myself an amateur in the field of lucid dreaming as I’ve only taken an active interest in it for about 3 or 4 months now.
I have a friend who is much more skilled than me, but some of his stories seem a little far-fetched so i’m just wondering the extent of all of your abilities.
Here’s my list and the levels of skill.
Flying: At my best it’s Neo-like with me being able to fly into outerspace, at my worst it’s about a 2-story max height with me having to flap my arms to gain any altitude.
Conjuring: I can usually conjure anything I want as long as I can’t see where I’m causing it to appear, although larger things sometimes pose small troubles. If I’m conjuring a vehicle it helps to make some keys in my pocket first to help with the belief factor. Anything that fits in my pocket i can conjure with nearly 100% accuracy as long as I have a few things in my pocket to mistake for said object with the sense of touch. With an empty pocket I probably only have about a 25% success rate.
Transformation: My skill in this field is nearly non-existent. With the extent of my abilities that I can recall being just a stretch of my arms and legs and this only happened once.
Walking through solid objects: Walls or other solid opaque substances tend to turn into a very viscous goo, which i get stuck in and wake up. Windows usually feel non-existant although if I’ve just became lucid and am not completely sure of myself they’re very difficult. Mirrors surprisingly are easier than windows for me with me unable to recall a single instance when i couldn’t make it through. The technique I use with mirrors is to just press my face up against it and it’ll slowly squish through and then the rest of me kinda gets sucked in along with it. Usually it’s a small layer of thick goo with the destination on the other side, but a few times it’s been just like walls which i get stuck in, but then i slowly sink down and fall through the ceiling into a room.
Telekinesis: Very recently I’ve began to develop this skill, with before last night the extent being me levitating a small object a few inches above my hand once. Last night we were fleeing in a car from something and had left behind some of our friends, I grabbed them from far off and pulled them to the car. (Well i got one of my friends and the other couldn’t get, but then saw a hot chick and got her instead )
Sharing dream skills with DC: I have alot of success in this area and am very curious if others have tried and/or succeeded. I’ve actually had dream characters surpass my skills once or twice after me showing them how to do it. (I was making cocaine appear in my pocket, but it’d always turn reddish-orange[guess my subconscious doesn’t want me doing coke even in a dream] but the DC’s coke stayed normal) Other than that one instance the only ability I’ve tried to share was flying which they always seem to be able to do just with a very limited height.
Sorry for the super long post. I just figured it’d be more clear if I went into detail rather than simply saying “Skill=High” etc.
But if that’s how you’d like to do it I’d still appreciate the insight into all your skills/abilities very much as anything I can’t do will certainly inspire me to become more powerful just as my friend has.