LD powers and things you managed to do

I’m just curious as to what notable abilities people have and how powerful those abilities are.
I consider myself an amateur in the field of lucid dreaming as I’ve only taken an active interest in it for about 3 or 4 months now.
I have a friend who is much more skilled than me, but some of his stories seem a little far-fetched so i’m just wondering the extent of all of your abilities.
Here’s my list and the levels of skill.

Flying: At my best it’s Neo-like with me being able to fly into outerspace, at my worst it’s about a 2-story max height with me having to flap my arms to gain any altitude.

Conjuring: I can usually conjure anything I want as long as I can’t see where I’m causing it to appear, although larger things sometimes pose small troubles. If I’m conjuring a vehicle it helps to make some keys in my pocket first to help with the belief factor. Anything that fits in my pocket i can conjure with nearly 100% accuracy as long as I have a few things in my pocket to mistake for said object with the sense of touch. With an empty pocket I probably only have about a 25% success rate.

Transformation: My skill in this field is nearly non-existent. With the extent of my abilities that I can recall being just a stretch of my arms and legs and this only happened once.

Walking through solid objects: Walls or other solid opaque substances tend to turn into a very viscous goo, which i get stuck in and wake up. Windows usually feel non-existant although if I’ve just became lucid and am not completely sure of myself they’re very difficult. Mirrors surprisingly are easier than windows for me with me unable to recall a single instance when i couldn’t make it through. The technique I use with mirrors is to just press my face up against it and it’ll slowly squish through and then the rest of me kinda gets sucked in along with it. Usually it’s a small layer of thick goo with the destination on the other side, but a few times it’s been just like walls which i get stuck in, but then i slowly sink down and fall through the ceiling into a room.

Telekinesis: Very recently I’ve began to develop this skill, with before last night the extent being me levitating a small object a few inches above my hand once. Last night we were fleeing in a car from something and had left behind some of our friends, I grabbed them from far off and pulled them to the car. (Well i got one of my friends and the other couldn’t get, but then saw a hot chick and got her instead :wink: )

Sharing dream skills with DC: I have alot of success in this area and am very curious if others have tried and/or succeeded. I’ve actually had dream characters surpass my skills once or twice after me showing them how to do it. (I was making cocaine appear in my pocket, but it’d always turn reddish-orange[guess my subconscious doesn’t want me doing coke even in a dream] but the DC’s coke stayed normal) Other than that one instance the only ability I’ve tried to share was flying which they always seem to be able to do just with a very limited height.

Sorry for the super long post. I just figured it’d be more clear if I went into detail rather than simply saying “Skill=High” etc.
But if that’s how you’d like to do it I’d still appreciate the insight into all your skills/abilities very much as anything I can’t do will certainly inspire me to become more powerful just as my friend has.

Cool post.

I haven’t yet flown in my LDs. But I can jump really high and float.

I can conjure things and make thing disappear and reappear. I can control dream characters to a certain extent. I can teleport objects, set fire to things (sometimes I set fire to things when I just want them to disappear).

I can’t wait to LD :content:

I can fly, but not too high. When I tested how high, I bumped into the sky, which was like a ceiling. Wierd.
But, I can fly.

“Teleporting”, or, just changing the surroundings is pretty easy. I’ve just tried it once though.

I’m really bad at walking through walls and such. I usually get an arm or something trough, but not the whole body.

I have transformed a lot, mostly into a wolf. When it comes to other animals, I’m not as good. I usually get some of the animals traits, but am mostly human.

Well, in normal dreams I can do just about anything. In lucid dreams, I’ve only done two things, however - flying and walking through a wall. The flying was easy - no problems there except I had a tendency to do it indoors and bump up against the ceiling. I don’t know what the limits were, if any, because I wasn’t interested in finding them. Walking through the wall took a couple of tries (I wouldn’t have tried at all except that the door was locked at the time), but all it took was persistence to get it to work.

I remember the latter particularly well, because it was something I’d done many times in normal dreams, but in the lucid dream it was very different. It felt like I was literally squeezing myself through something solid, and fairly cold. And I had to go in sideways. But I got there in the end. Actually, I think I prefer that way of going through walls as compared to the quick phase I normally do, because it feels more “realistic” somehow.

Oh yes, and I made a room spin around me while I was flying once, but I was feeling a little dizzy at the time, so that might be why. I hadn’t really been intending to make that happen, but I did.

Those are the only powers I’ve had in lucid dreams, but I’ve made up a list of all the ones I’ve had in normal dreams, too, and how often they occur. I won’t write them all here, but the list is in my dream journal if you’re interested.

I’m really good at telekenises in my dreams, I guess since I can do it in real life. I could actually levitate myself, and lift shoes, and cars, and all that crap. It’s pretty cool, and everything else, I’m poor in. :peek:

But hey I’ve done most of them before, except the walking through solid objects, and makeing DC’s do stuff.

Now this is my few on powers :tongue:

It’s much like real life, if you have a motive, or adrenaline, it is actually easier, and really powerful. I’ve lifted a mountain to save my dad. In other cases I’ve only been able to lift cars.


I myself can fly, and am pretty good with the wandwork. (Harry Potter style, yes. Big deal. Wanna fight about it?)

Flying: just like you.

Conjuring: rarely tried. I made appear once little magic blue lights by snaping my fingers.

Transformation: I transformed into a wolf and into the Death (very powerful skeleton :grin: ).

Walking through solid objects: Walls are viscous too. I have to fly on the back without seeing them to go through. :shy: I’ve no problem to go through windows. The curious thing is I never think I can open them! :happy: I never could go through a mirror.

Telekinesis: When I was Mr Death, I had terrible telekinetic powers, like Carrie in the movie. A true horror! :devil:

Sharing dream skills with DC: never tried.

Other powers I’ve tested are fire-belching like a dragon, teleportation, kung-fu mastering, being invisible, using magic (throwing enregy balls, casting spells to make other people fly or petrifying monsters), climbing like Spiderman, breathing under water, and that’s all. But most of the time, I just fly.

On a scale of stars and half-stars (and 0, the black hole), here are my abilities.

Magicking: 41/2 stars. Only failed once.
Conjuring: 5 stars. Only tried once, made a woman.
SD: Never Tried.
Transforming: Might have been tried in the 4 LD’s i forgot.
Flying: Always been indoors in my room.

So basically, i need better dream recall before i can fill in any more.

Flying- Can only get a tiny bit off the ground, more like moon jumping. (that’s what I call it anyway) An elderly man helped me once and I’ve made progress from there. :bounce:

Walking through walls- Never tried.

Magicking something up- I’ve gotten my hand to turn into a phone and materialized a candy Peep out of thin air. If I try using my will instead of yelling for something to happen, I’m able to make things pop out of thin air. (like a trash can for example)

Transforming- I’ve become a sabor tooth tiger in a LD once, though I thought I was a cheetah at first. Pretty neat actually, I got all these instincts and stuff…

Having power over DCs- Never really tried, other than saying out loud that I wanted them to leave or do something.

Shared Dreaming- Kev (Counter_Terminator) and I have started this project, so I’ll report back if there’s any success. :cool:

Flying:Pretty good at it, I recently got over my landing troubles, so I fly pretty well now.
Conjuring:Only tried with people and have been pretty good at it.
Transforming, walking through objects and telekinesis:Never tried.
Shared dreams:Trying that with Wolb, will report any progress.

I’m not sure of what you understood. :shy: Masterofdementia was not speaking about shared dreaming, but about sharing powers with DC’s.

Eh… what do you mean? :eh:

I love to have super powers in lucid dreams…

Flying: I’m okay with. Mostly gliding over the ground.

Superfast: This I’m good at. I can run super fast or move really fast. That’s loads of fun.

Energy Rays: Yes, I’m pround of my energy rays so :tongue: . They are light bluish lavender rays that shoot from the palm of my hands.

I don’t recall walking into walls. But I have been invisible. Yes! that was fun.

That’s about it… I think. This topic makes me want to have another one.

I can do somethings pretty well in my dreams but i mostly just want to do "That Thing And all you Ld’ers know what I mean LOL! :devil: but here we go

Flying: It took me 2 lucid dreams before I could even get off the ground

Conjuring: I have a hard time with this so I usually turn around and hope for it to be behind my back because that seem to make my chances better .

Projectiles: This one came easy I am made my hand into a gun and went BOOM BOOM and easily killed the “baddies” I had to really try to make fireballs and wasnt very happy (still practicing)because it looked like an orange tennis ball.

Transforming: If I just think about the animal and start acting like it I can easily transform but I also only tried this in my later LD’s where i knew how to accomplish such tasks.

Walking through Walls: This one made me so mad I was trying to fly through a door because I didnt want to have to land and open it (me being lazy) but I hurt myself by repeatedly ramming into the small stained glass portion of the door (which strangly did’nt break)

Telekinesis: This is easily one of my favorite things to do! It took me a couple tries but now I honestly feel like a pro (sorry modesty aint my thing) :sad: :clown:

I was speaking about sharing powers with DC’s, but any skills you have I’m interested in. I was just listing all the ones I could think of at the time that I had.

Here are a few more I’ve remembered that I don’t do that often or even have only done once.

Web-slinging like spiderman, I don’t remember ever really shooting web at any targets or anything all I remember doing was swinging around like you do in the spiderman video games, there didn’t have to be anything for the web to stick to either I could do it straight down the street with clear open sky above me. (only done this once)

[u]Super speed /u I can move really fast in that I know I’m moving really fast and compared to everything else I’m moving really fast, but I’m actually moving even slower than normal. So I guess this one’s actually slowing everything down and me less.

Shooting bullets out of fingers, this one’s pretty straight forward, just shape my hand like a gun and make a bang noise and think about a bullet being shot out. I’ve never had any trouble with this, I just never do it as my mind’s always thinking about other better things I could be doing with my precioud LD time.

Invulnerability, now this one I use alot more but just forgot to put up before. Get shot does nothing, get punched does nothing etc. (well this one time I was letting some black belt just keep on hitting me and after awhile my neck didn’t really hurt but was starting to feel funny, so i decided that was enough and gave the guy a huge suplex and beat him into submission)

Which leads to the next and one of the more fun ones IMO, Fighting: I’m nowhere near as good as I’d like to be, but can’t ever lose due to my invulnerability. (I guess this is Superstrength:slight_smile: I can pick up any heavy objects and throw them in a fight, though they remain heavy. The weight doesn’t change once an object’s big enough for me to think it would be heavy though, like a truck is just as easy to lift and throw as a lazy boy chair.

That’s all I the new ones I can think of. But I’m curious if any of you have had the opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do for awhile now; Get a hold of a lightsabre (a flashlight might work especially if you make it foggy outside). I really really want to do it and for a long time now, but I’ve just never thought about it when Lucid.

Thanks for all the replies guys, very interesting.

My first long and vivid LD last night :happy:

I was trying to decide what to do in the short time that was given to me to LD, and my first ideea was to create something. I imagined a menu, like in some game editor, and saw many objects that I could create, in different categories. I created a beautifull woman, but then I lost lucidity and woke up.

I tried to fly. I jumped but I couldn’t fly. It was pretty lame actually, hopping around.

Oh wow, I just remembered I’ve done that as well (a few days after seeing the movie Spiderman, of course!). I’d totally forgotten about this one until now when your comment reminded me. goes to add it to list

I shot “webs” out of my wrists like in the movie, except that they were more like plant vines rather than webs, with thorns on the ends that dug into the enemies I shot them at. And every time I did it the vine would be thicker than the last time, so it hurt more every time I used it.

For instance, you give powers to DC’s, asking them to do something; or you ask them to give you a power, learning to fly for instance, etc.

Congrats, Metabog! :clap:

Flying- I’ve pulled it off a few times…nothing spectacular, save for one time. I was flying over the countryside, but there were tornadoes in my path. I just twitched, and they dissipated. o_^

Transformation- I’m working on this one. I’ve made a pretty sucessful transformation into a cobra, and became a creature with claws several times. I’m going to ask a DC for tips…

Walking through walls/objects- I’ve done this a few times, in pursuit of prey…It worked out pretty well.

Conjuring- I’ve pulled weapons from the air a few times. As for people/DCs, I’m working on that.

Teleportation- I don’t know about this one yet. I usually fly to where I need to go.