LD Sex - Part 2

Yes, I think people should respect sex, I never implied that I wasn’t appreciative of women, all my anxiety was triggered by images of men , you see. And some people may be aroused by that, but I’m not. Sorry, thoughts of other’s penises don’t exactly make me happy.
I’m much better today because I’m thinking about girls. But you know, there is a reason they don’t allow porn to be distributed to 5th graders. Can’t have 5th grade parents now can we? They wouldn’t be ready, and I’d guess that’s the reason for all the extreme censorship going around. If it were me, I’d lower the “magic age” from 18 to 13.

Ok, how about this? Some of us should make a little experiment in their lucid dreams where they are both sexes (not at the same time, silly) and then test it out? Which is more stimulating?

Or, we better not.

I’d agree. Superb reaction, Jack.

Ok, I can’t afford to be imagining that right now. Goodbye.

Jack, I hope you weren’t going off on me because i totally agree with you. I just don’t want to get flamed for saying the wrong thing. Anyways, I thought of the same thing you did infection once but I was too used to sex my way that I couldn’t ever imagine being a girl with a dick inside her. I guess I’m just not open-minded. Open-body. lol i dont know.

Emm… what exacly you mean by that? That in my dreams I should try to imagine I’m a guy and have sex with a woman? Or did I get this completely wrong? :smile: I don’t think I wanna try that… sounds wierd. I’ve been a guy in my dreams a couple time (ONLY a couple of times), but I wasn’t lucid. I didn’t even think of having sex that time of course :wink: Oh wait, I was also a guy once when I was lucid, I was DiCaprio… yeah stupid I know :wink: And not even as DiCaprio was I interested in women, I just wanted to take my pants off to see what kind of penis I have :lol: I unfortunately woke up too early to see it :wink:

I keep having all these sex change / transsexual dreams… either I’m one, or I see people who are. Not LDs though. Who am I kidding, I barely have LDs if at all.

I wonder what it means @_@

Lol Infection:)
And no i wasnt talking to anyone in particular,i just read whole thread and got a bit suprised in general:)
BTW-Infection you touched important matter.Said that the reason is we dont want pregnant 13 yrs old.
Tell you what i think- we shouldnt have 20yrs old and even more pregnant women as almost ALL parents arent ready for this yet.Being less than 40 is being still learning about everything,still getting to know things about themselves and ways of life.Usually parents just try dealing with this matter but you rarely see someones whos ready for it.
I think we need to tell our kids about risk of pregnancy but not to make them scared of it.
And children should be staying with their grandparents who have much more patience/knowledge/wise than average father/mother.Not mentioning the time they have to raise them
Is your 15 yrs old daughter wanting to have sex?Yes,you doing all good if you keep telling her how horrible it will be if she gets pregnant.hah-thats how from the youngest age kids learn how bad sex is.
Make sure shes aware,but if she thinks she would want it-so what?
It is all upside down.Take a look and so called “primitive” societies- they are happy with their sexuality,with their bodies,they dont have to carry the burden of sin on they shoulders,they are not frustrated about it,they can do what they think its pleasant and if it happens they got pregnant olders take care of the kids and their growing.
I know its bit revolutionary but very logical way.

If everyone waited until they thought that they knew all the answers themselves, they would a, probably end up resistant to any other new ideas, b, there would be a huge age gap between child and adult, and c, probably no children would be born!

Now, I have got a 17 yr old daughter, I hope she would talk to me about certain personal matters. But you never know. I just hope that I have started her off with good judgement and self esteem.

…I had a dream I was screwing myself once… at first i woke up and I laughed… then I wanted to puke… then I laughed again… then I questioned if the person I was screwing was me or another guy… then I wanted to puke… then i wanted to want to puke some more… then I erased the memory from my head… then I rememered it just now… then I laughed… then I wanted to puke…

Moogle-i didnt say to wait with parenthood.Quite opposite.
I was talking about the matters of raising them.Why not let parents do their thing,enjoy their life while they still young and energetic and have grandparents to teach them?
It does not mean to send the kids away with no contact with their parents- sure they still around.

Yes but 13 is still learning to support themselves! We need financially stable families dammnit plus some people don’t realize how much work you need to raise a child! The more effort you can put in to it, the better, so going to school or working long hours isn’t gonna make your children good. WILL SOMEONE PLEAASSEE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!!

Uhh, and my school’s teachers and annoying various other staff (my parents haven’t done a thing for me except food and shelter since I was like 10) have instilled a profound fear of having children. Which is why I probably react that way. Anyways everyone in my school knows sex is a good thing and all the teachers are lying, but we did absorb that pregnancy bit. Some of my teachers have accepted the fact that sex isn’t at all bad (some advocate it…) and just say “whatever you do use some damn protection you little idiots” just so we don’t ruin our (baby and all) lives.

…So I have just comprehended that children staying with grandparents bit. Hm… well I think that they would be a little better but… I don’t know if that’s a good idea because of some reason I can’t think of right now.
Oh yeah, don’t bother those grandparents. Let them lucid dream while they sleep half the day. I do agree that a larger group would be better for taking care of a child- parents and grandparents combined would be pretty good. But you know… sometimes there aren’t any grandparents to speak of…

And reacting to Park’s post:
Let’s check your gender… male.
How can you screw yourself if you are male?
… You know, I’d like to puke if I dreamed that too. Absolutely disturbing.
If you were good, you’ve got nothing to worry about. :wink:

Ain’t nothin wrong with that, but that’s not the way I walk. Yeah I’d be disgusted too. Thanks for sharing your pain and possibly getting me a nightmare, you jerk.

o0o0o0o0o my :eh:

ahhaha no problem

I’m a new member, and am glad to say I had my first lucid dream last weekend. I got excited and woke up, but it was still great!

So anyway, I am a male, but I am Androgynous (I feel both male and female). I am only attracted to females though, so I guess I am technically a “lesbian”…? Laugh! I feel like a girl who likes girls, but I’m trapped in a males body, if that makes sense!

So, my point is that from my point of view, I feel that dreaming (even if it is not an LD) about sex is great. Once I even dreamt about being uhmm… “pleasured” by some guy at art school that I barely know. It was awkward and I woke up embarassed, but in the dream I have to admit it was great! I have also dreamt about being in “feminine” form with a female that resembled an X girlfriend. We kissed and cuddled more than anything really. I love dreaming about being female, especially with other females! It feels great, and it’s more sweet and lovey dovey than sex with a male. I think regardless of gender or sexuality, it is ok to experiment with anything in your dreams. No one will ever know, and it’s guilt free! You can even try things that aren’t physically possible here on earth!

I am still male right now, but plan on the whole Hormone taking method to becoming feminine, and I am very interested in using LDs to change or “morph” into the opposite sex. I will start a Post soon about how to change gender in dreams. I don’t know how to do that, but I am hoping to find someone on the forums who does, and is willing to admit it! :wiske:

I’ll quote what I’ve said to my friend once:
“Sure, it’s better being bi, because you’ve got double the choices :wink: .”
Errm. Anyways good job reviving this thread as it’s been dead for a while. Welcome to the forum, it’s interesting that your first post is in the sex thread, but we’d prefer you to introduce yourself at the sticky! (More people read that anyway)

I guess people consider me “bi” but I’m only really attracted to androgynous people usually… so I feel like I have even less choices than most people! It sucks a lot. :cry:
I always felt like a really efeminate guy in a girls body but no one ever understood that and I guess most people never will but oh well.

I understand. I know a girl that wishes she had been a guy. We all have to deal with our own stuff. I wish it were easier here on earth! One day we will all get to be what we were supposed to! Thanks for replying to my message. :wiske: