LD sex

when will people realise that sex is NOT EASY.
DONT try it in your first LD. dont even try in the first ten. you have to have complete mastery of your dreams to try. sex is something people do in an accidental LD, and wake up as soon as you lift the skirt to remember nothing of it.

I always wake up from my LDs before it even starts… D:

(I take it slow… I’m a romanticist… :peek: )

Or it’s starts quite awkwardly and I just make the DC go POOF. :lol:

are there any techniques for prolonging the dream during sex, or is it just a matter of practice?

I think the main thing is to just stay calm… don’t get over-excited.

haha what a crazy topic. lol
I have had like 10 LD’s, but i never remember to do sex.

I did it on my first intentional LD and initially it went well.
But I was laying on my stomach and (I’ll try to censor this) my wiewie was in a uncomfortable position so it started to hurt and I woke up :tongue: .
I decided to never ever make that mistake again.
Such a big disappointment… (Yeah I’m 13, my body is making hormons non-stop, I’m not perverted though)

its a dream mate, anyone who judges you’s a twat.

so staying calm? right. not over excited. well, that would be fine if we were talking about most things, but sex is just really quite fun

Actually, uh, that’s just what you believe, if you do believe that to have sex in a lucid dream is tough, then it will be as a result from a placebo-effect.

well then im screwed!
gotta get confidence up, somehow…

I know this is gonna sound really funny. Especially for a girl but I tried to make-out with the little mermaid in a dream. I wasn’t lucid, but I could feel what was going on. She couldn’t kiss at all. lol. :slight_smile: I’ve told my friends about it. they think it is so funny, but hey! It’s a dream, and it was hott. I think that sex in a dream could be an interesting experience.

i find that generaly very funny. i think she cried because you were not sure of yourself. you were letting it happen, not making it happen. jsut try to think about what she would be thinking

I already had some dream sex, in ND’s and in LD’s. I also think that it is more realistic when one isn’t fully lucid.

Nearly every time I had dream sex I woke up just after the orgasm, probably because I always had one IRL,too. That’s why dream sex is so interesting, it influences your dream body and your physical body. Imagine if hurting your dream body would have the same effect on your real body…
I think having dream sex isn’t that hard(just think about it before you fall asleep), but doing it with a specific person always is a problem for me because I can’t make the person appear in my dream.

For me, it always seems to be someone i would least wan’t there lol :tongue:

OR, before going to sleep, create a fictional character that would willingly sleep with you…



Yeah… I did… but when I summoned him into the dream he got too frisky too fast - for my taste at least. A TOTAL TURN-OFF.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I’ve haven’t had sex in real life either, but I had a ND where I was! After I asked my friends who have done it before what it felt like and they described exactly how I was feeling in my dream!

moved into LD sex :moogle:

Before I found out about Lucid dreams yesterday, I used to think it was very rare when I got lucky in dreamland. I want to know: is it easy to have sex in LD’s? Can I just walk right up to any random person and start to do it, or is it not that easy? :uh:

Not immature, no. Sex in LDs can be difficult, as is any other stimulating experience in a dream. Often, the dream becomes unstable and you wake up unless you are experienced. Try something easier for your first couple LDs, like flying or spawning objects. Only when you are more skilled can you lengthen the dream enough for sex.

And Raping DCs is just plain creepy. Fictional beings deserve consent too! :tongue:

There’s a whole thread on sex in lucid dreams. It’s not immature, it’s probably one of the first things everyone thinks of that they wanna do in LDs. :happy:

Let’s just say that Sex is a popular LD pastime.

(Just look at Kenneth’s sig.)

i fail to see the necessity of consent. as long as they are still enough to get it done, its not an issue