I’ve noticed that I have the quite funny habit of carrying the girls with me. Like for choosing a suitable place. I actually lift them up and carry them off. Must be the caveman heritage, all that’s missing is to club her on the head and dragging her off by the hair like in the comics. I know it’s not necessaty to change locations, though I don’t know it it’s any less caveman-like, to get it on right there on the spot where you first meet. Ofcourse, we are the same type of creature we always were so why fight it?
LD sex is one of my favorite things to do, sometimes the first thing I do when I become lucid. I think the best way to overcome the problem of having the DC resist or cry or whatever is to create the DC specifically for that purpose. Make her totally sexy and madly in love with you. Or imagine or teleport yourself to a room full of women or people already having sex or whatever, something specifically for that single purpose. I like to imagine the scene from Alexander where they step into the Persian King’s harem, that always works for me. My only problem is that I wake up or lose lucidity, but with practice I’m getting to where I stay in the moment longer each time.
ummm has anyone tried while riding the pony rubbing your hands together
i mean thats the only thing you can do lol you cant really spin around while hamering the girl
mhmm once i finally get my ld ill try it out
Haha, that was so funny, just imagine spinning around.
I’ve never been lucid enough to try, but I guess I will sometime.
Im not so sure if this has been posted. and this is sort of sexual, but is it possible to use a dream to get satisfaction? Im not a perv im just wondering. hah its just a question im not encouriging you to do it!
Whoaa this is going to be moved.
moved from lab and merged it in this topic ( LD sex), it seemed the appropriate one ~Q~
Short answer: YES
Long and depressing answer: Some say it’s very hard to achieve. and takes alot of practice
That’s weird, I thought LD s are just creations of your experiences, does anyone have a theory on how that worked, hmmmm… does anyone think that it is programmed in your mind at birth?
It’s an instict, obviously it is “programmed” in our minds. If it hadn’t, we wouldn’t be physically attracted by the other gender.
but that is just a hormone, you don’t just know what sex is life if you are a virgin while you are concious
Lets be fairly realistic here. I’m sure if they’re dreaming of LD Sex, they’ve probably em, “Touched” themselves before and know what that feels like. And it doesn’t take a genious to just say warm wet meathole .
Yeah, I think whenever you have sex in an LD, you’re basically drawing from your own experiences with masturbation and fantasies.
that makes sense, since it appears that a lot of people who are saying that in the dream “she didnt want to” or “she started crying” might have something to do with lack of experience, hence the anxiety.
in my case, i’ll go for it, but then he does something that will turn me right off. and i dont want to anymore… other than those experiences ive always had load of sex dreams, im not sure if any of them have ever been lucid though, im having a hard time differing a normal dream from a lucid dream sometimes…
ok i know im a pervert for looking at this topic but when i get older (haha) i will find out for myself unless my teenage hormones kick in i might uhh you know
Sex dreams… heheh, I had one last night.
Anyway, I’ve gotten mixed reactions from DC’s. Some don’t want it, some do. Of course, it’s much better when they do want it obviously.
Well… actually… it depends on what mood you’re in really.
i got a blowjob last night that lasted about 3 or 4 minutes. it was great ya’ll can read it in my dream diary.
hahaha, you perv
I actually have a problem with this though, hahaha. Most of my lucid dreams result in sex, even when I plan on doing something different, like flying. Oh well, haven’t had too many lucid dreams to spend having sex recently anyways, hehehe. Oh well, tomorrow’s the day my bride’s a gonna come
Of all of my pre-ld4all LDs most (or all ) were sex dreams. ever since i have been trying to induce LDs i have not had a dream with sex (or maybe there was… im not
sure ). i dont really kno why, maybe im just tired of dream sex? (naa!)
Um, im not to sure what to say from here…
The Luciddator
Yeah, I’m virgin and I’ve had sex a few times in normal dreams, not too bad… my dad kept on coming in and catching us though o_O
I actually had my first LD experience this night (see:https://community.ld4all.com/t/the-big-my-first-ld-collection-part-iv/25887).
While I didn’t go straight to the nasty part because I was pretty amazed at what was happening I later created some sexual situations since I am a little “underchallenged” regarding this at the moment.
The encounters were much much shorter than in in real life but I actually had an orgasm each time (from which I woke up every time). The last one was as intense as a good one in real life.
Long time no see everybody. Just dropped in to say that I finally managed having sex in an LD without waking up last night. It was ok, not really as good as the real thing but still ok ;D It was probably ruined a little by me worrying about messing down the sheets lol.