Hi all,
This is my first post, and I guess it is somehow strange. I have had some “standard” LD experiences and one OBE experience I will share with you in the future (if you want), but there is one experience that really worried me.
Sometime ago, I had what I think was a LD experience (a DILD), but not as one would usually describe it. It was more than frightening. In the dream, I was being wraped by two men at a lower-ground floor. At some point, I knew it was a “dream” (I should say a nightmare), and started to “fight” with myself to wake up, but I couldn’t. In my dream, I was 100% sure it was nothing but a “vision” or a “dream”, but still couldn’t either control it or wake up. I was looking at the dream and at the same time trying to change that “reality” and repeating to my body that I should stop it and wake up, but nothing worked out.
I couldn’t wake up until I could scape from there: in the dream, someone knocked at the door of the lower-ground floor and as the men were distracted, I scaped by a window and started to run. When I felt safe, I finally woke up, sweating, with a lot of pain in that “part” of my body (even if I was virgin at that time).
I was absolutely sure it was a dream (I realized it was not true), I was “lucid” to know that and tell my body and my brain to either change that reality or wake up, but I didn’t have any control of the situation.
As you can imagine, that experience affected (and still affects) me a lot.
How can this be explained? Your help is welcome.
PD: Sorry for my English (it is not my mother tongue).