LD4all chat addicts support room

Welcome to the ld4all chat addicts support room :grin:

here you can have some substitutional chat vibes. I know it is not the same as the real thing but it is something :happy:

Thanks for caring Pasqule, i though i was gonna go crazy :angry:

Hi all! or I mean Howdy!

How’s your day so far? :content:

Yeah I was going crazy too! :angry:

Hi everybody! :biggrin:

My day is ok… it has been raining all day today. Yucky. What about yours Hubbs? :happy:

Good news after all, my Chat works :cool_laugh: ! Try it :happy: If not, i can keep a good conversation in this thread :grin:

So Pasqule, how are you? I never talk you that much :wink: I never see you in chat, although i heard your a busy person. Your the creator of this great forum, but i know nothing of you. :neutral: Do a suprise one day, and drop by chat, i bet the room might be speechless for a second :tongue:

It was rainy all day yesterday dm7, it was a muggy day then, although today is much better. I just cleaned around the house some, and im taking care of my mom. She broke her arm :sad: , thanks for asking :tongue: :content:

Mine works too! :biggrin:

Awww, I cleaned the house a bit too… earning some money you know. :happy: How did she broke her arm if I may ask? I am sorry to hear that. I hope she has a speedy recover! :content:

By the way… you all might want to try what Tomas has said in other discussion…

I can connect from there just fine. :smile: Try it.

i’m special because i’m in the chat! muwhahaha. :content: o and i also now have 2 stars :cool_laugh:

yea call me dumb but i still dont know what those stars are for. what do they mean and what do they stand for??

stars are the number of post i belive :happy: …right?

oh ook. so if you got two stars at 50 posts than this post(my 49th i think) will bring me one post away from getting two stars??

Yes that’s right Blazinfish! :biggrin:

Question to the ld4all chat users out there…

Weird, what is it about these IRC threads that make people ask about their stars. I’ll repeat what I posted in the 1st IRC thread. :bored:

"Try the “Forum FAQ” for the listings.
or this topic:
“Rankings under Avatars”
both found in the “Helpdesk” section.

lol :rofl: I wish i could of been around for the happy dance

She fell dm7, she had a bad spill, but i think she’ll be fine. :peek:

Congradulations blazinfish and Fear! :content:

Awww, I hope she will be alright soon! :happy:
Again, I wish her a speedy recover! :content:

Few I was wondering what peoples ideas of what pasquale might look like are.

For example, I imagine her as a short lady, not fin, but not fat, with black hair, blue eyes. Her hair comes down just above her cheak, and is in no particular style.

I imagine her as 5ft 10inches, thin, dark brown hair with a smart hair style. Wearing very smart clothes and “Q” boots. :tongue:

When I first joined (and thought she was male) I imagined her to look similar to what Dream Addict looks like…i hadn’t seen his pic then.

Smart hair? Smart clothes? Suck up. :tongue:

Strangly enough I never really pictured Q as a person lol, just more of a highly respected important figure who only spoke when it was absolutely neccesary (Hehe, over 1000 now, but when I first joined she spoke alot less). If anything I pictured her as :wiske:

So you don’t think she’s smart? :tongue: