LD4all hosting fundraiser 2008

Ohhhhhh ok. Totally didn’t see that edit. I’ll keep donating the same amount.

Right. If I was allowed to get paypal, truely I would, this site has given me SO much it’s unbelievable, I just wish I could give something worthwhile back… so I’m going to think of another way to raise money and somehow donate… :tongue:

There you go Q

With Thanks for everything you have set up here|)


thank you Blazinfish :smile: Next time I’ll just add $5 :tongue:

:hugs: Tundra :smile:

:hugs: richie Thanks so much! :happy: Now you are entitled to two buttons in your sig :grin:

goes add amount

your very welcome :smile:

Just made my contribution for August. :smile:

Thank you very much :smile: I’ll add it asap :smile: (I have to update 6 places :tongue: )

Thank you cresun! :thumbs:

Just made Septembers contribution a little early. $5.38 was all I had left in my PayPal account.

Thank you blazinfish! :happy:


Thanks so much for allowing me to use some of your lucid dreams in my new book!
I really appreciate it. :smile:

And thanks for providing a forum for lucid dreamers to learn, have fun and feel like part of something glorious…lucid dreaming!

Robert Waggoner

You are welcome, and thank you for your generous donation! :happy:

Just made October’s donation… $11.60, was all I had left in my PP, so I figured I’d double up on my monthly contribution this time.
Go ahead and give me another :happy: next to my name on the first page, Q!


One :happy: coming up! Thank you once again :thumbs:

Just donated over Paypal :content:

I’ll definitely make a donation when I get my money this month.

Something I think you should consider is joining Amazon Associates and create an aStore. You can pick out the products you want from Amazon and make your own store, then when people buy through that store you get 4-15% of the buying price.

People can buy their books about Lucid Dreaming through you! It won’t cost them more, plus it will help pay towards the hosting!
I know people appreciate a forum with no ads, in this way people can support the website any time they buy through Amazon.

Here’s the link:

Thank you Daniel :smile:

well, I already have one :wink: here: astore.amazon.com/ld4all-20

you enter it through the guide -> books and the link is at the top :smile:

Ah, cool:)
I’ll make sure I shop through your store in the future! :smile:

You have your own amazon page? Nice.
But im from britain, so my mum only has a british amazon acount. Too bad, i was going to buy the Spehen LaBerge book. Well, am going to :content:

And i should hopefully crosses fingers be donating at around christmas time… where i actually get some money :tongue:
It will be about £5-10 probably. Ill have to gt et my mum to set up some sort of account to transfer the money.
What is the best method for me to get the money through? Thanks.

Hmm, that’s actually something to think about pasQuale, how about setting up another aStore for UK residents? Then you can just let people choose if they want to enter the US or UK store. You could even set up a German and French aStore too if you know the languages.
That way the chance that someone buys through your store(s) increases and you need less donations :smile: