LD4all Quest #3: Rhythmic Moon: Meet your Spirit Guide

Same problem here… I earned my wings on the new quest…
Apparently his name is “Harold” and likes to be “Ark 'arold” or “archarold” or something…

In my lucid dream last night I remembered that I wanted to meet my spirit guide. So I asked a DC to take me to my spirit guide and I followed her, we reached an empty room with a chair and a tray with empty, recently used, plates and glasses. We sat on the couch opposite of the chair and the DC informed me that my spirit guide was on his lunch break. Then, I heard my spirit guide enter the room and I woke up! I was so close! Better luck next time I guess.

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I have a few spirit guides that I haven’t talked to in a while. Lucid dreaming is my only way of contacting them, so this quest is now my top priority.

I want to meet my Spirit Guide. It’s something that is always in the back of my head for something to do while lucid. I think I’m going to try it my next LD hopefully that is tonight. It’s been a few days almost a week since my last LD.

I figure this is the best place to post this even though the quest is long over…
Whee! I met him just now. He’s a twitchy, neurotic 3D expression of a Van Gogh self portrait.

hello , mi first post on here, had my by far longest lasting lucid tonight, lasted what felt like 8h and consisted of about 6-7 False awakenings before i decided to go to sleep in my FA state, so to the topic, i think i may have met a sort of SG… i was on a bus in a cartoony version of what i think was LA, i had been walking thru parks and past buildings just amazed that the lucidity state did not vanish (did meet my wife too and for a second i hoped for a shared dream, but she acted strange and didnt seem to acualy take in the stuf i said, just reacting to it) anyways, i was on this bus or train and with me was 2 persons, i dont know who but we felt very close, all of a sudden i notice morgan freeman sitting a few seets away from me, i suddenly rememberd that it was a dream (had drifted in my fuzzy mind for a bit) and asked him who he was, he just smiled, got up and started to walk away, i said, “you are in my dream now and i think that you should answer me” he smiled again and sat down in a empty row of seats, i walked over to him and sat down, my friends did not want to join us, i tried but they were very clear that they wanted nothing to do with it. anyways, i asked again who he was and he answerd “i am your fears” i felt that was abit strange cuz he felt like he was realy there, not like other DC who feel empty. so i asked him why my friends didnt want to join and who they where, he said that they where my anger and my guilt and that they no longer were alowed to spend time with him, that they had done so for way to long but that it was nomore… then he left, and i was left with a feeling of relevation, there was something more that i dont remember but i woke up and felt that i had seen a coonection in some way that i had not thought of before…

hey, this is my first post on this site. many weeks ago, i had lucid dreams every night for about two weeks straight. alot of them i thought were just random, but i now know most of them were about my many spirit guides. there is one i will talk about:
1: i was walking by myself down a street of a creepy looking town when what looks to be one of my friends counter-parts(like a different version of her) appeared. i asked her “are you X counter-part?” she told me she was so i asked her “are you my SG?” she only giggled and said “maybe.” she then smiled, kissed me and i woke up.

looks like i was right about my friends counter-part being my SG. two nights ago, i finally asked her(the counter-part) “are you really my SG?” she gigled and said “yes… i am. who do you think has been helping you out all this time?”

the dream then changed to an exotic, yet deserted island where her and i were walking into a hut. we got to a bedroom and she and i… did stuff… i woke up after what seemed to be hours.

It’s true! After months of deep meditation, I discovered out of body experience and lucid dreaming. Here is my dream journal entry dated May 3, 2013:

I was reading Robert Waggoner’s “Lucid Dreaming” book before going to sleep. I don’t remember if I practiced the lucid dream affirmation, but I did meditate. Obviously, I fell asleep. In a dream I was on a train, a very full train, with a white plastic interior. I had a window seat and somehow I realized I was dreaming! I announced it to everyone on the train, and no one cared. At that moment the train suddenly stopped and we were at our destination; everyone disembarked. I wondered what and how I should do and decided to go along with everyone else, yet knowing I was fully lucid. Then I was outside in a plaza with city high-rises very nearby. I think I am in Wilmington, Delaware. My first inclination was to fly like Superman, but I quickly shutdown that thought in order to pursue a more meaningful task. Facing the cloudy sky I shouted, “I want to meet the teacher of my higher self!” I realized I never heard my voice, probably because I was asleep. Yet, it did not bother me since I knew my intent was clear. Suddenly, the dreamscape disappeared and everything was black blackness. It did not bother me. Then, a pure, liquid gold swirl of light appeared! It was kind of like the swirling blades of a two-blade prop jet engine moving in slow motion. [It really was beautiful!] I recall thinking, “What biological process is like a swirl I might be misinterpreting it?” But I could not think of any. Also, I had realized I lacked a body, everything was black except for that golden light! Furthermore, I seemed to sense it from two angles at once. As it approached me or I approached it, the experience grew too exciting and too stimulating! Aware that I was having that experience, and asleep, and in bed all together at once, I simply and easily shifted my awareness back into my body and then woke up!

That lucid dream was on May 3 and I have not had another since! I have started keeping a dream journal where I record every dream as I wake up in the middle of the night. I just wish I could learn to recognize the obvious absurdities in my dreams and become lucid! I want to converse with my teacher!!