In the dutch forum there are clear directions to the bathroom. But i cannot find a bathroom here on the english forum. He, he. I couldn’t help it i had to go behind a tree. :rofl:

I couldn’t work it out though?

I sent a post asking, but when I later looked at my post, it said “Is this the bathroom?”

Dear LD4ALL members,
Please note that I am not responsible if your post gets changed in this topic, by a mod. It is your risk, and that most of my posts are invalid. P.S I do not go behind trees, or pee in the forums. Thankyou.

hahaha technodreamer, are you sure you want to introduce that here?

beware then, ppl what you post in here, it won’t look the same when you read it again :gni:

:uh: :sly:

What are you on about? Do you enjoy deluding what it says! It says (at the bottom) something about how annoying pasquale, repression is. Or possibly how anoyyed they get. He he. :rofl:

By the way, is this the bathroom?

:dream: hmmm i wish i could be a mod, so i could also be anti-stressed

Well, firstly you have to be able to get stressed a lot!!! Only joking.

If you go on usergroups at the top and into the mod section, it will list all the mods. Mod joing is closed off. As is the library section (which isn’t being used). You can also join the another group, but I can’t remember what it is.

Psychic message coming through…
It seems the extra group is “Researchers”, which grants you permission to post in the Lucid Laboratory forum.

But that brings me back to my original question: Where is the bathroom?! :help:

Good Question


Will you continue to edit my posts. Lol.

I’m quite aware where the bathroom actually is, thankyou. So, PASQUALE. Is it HOW annoyeds you get, how anoyying you are, or how stressed you have BECOME.

Just before Pasquale adds it: Tapir finally told PASQUALE where the bathroom is, but she won’t tell me!

Bwhahaha. I can’t eat so I guess I’ll post here and see if it would be edited into something that makes more cents

I think moderators are actually fast asleep. lol! :wink:

Anyways, sweet dreams and uh… be nice and give lots of money to the moderators please. :slight_smile: And I also want to know where the bathroom is! :lol: I can’t hold it much longer.

hmmm! :grrr:
Wy doesn’t anybody tell me where the bathroom is!

Lol. I thought DM7 would know but she doesn’t either… i don’t think i can hold it any longer! :gni:

Yes, and I think some have entered an everlasting LD.
so, PASQUALE! If somebody doesn’t tell me where the bathroom is I will become annoying, annoyed and become stressed! LOL :tongue: :razz:

Are you hassling the mods Techno? :tongue: At least I know where the bathroom is… But that’s ofcourse the ladies bathroom so you are not allowed in there. :happy:

Always, but that would be to mean this close to christmas.

All I wanted to know was wether this following quote has directions in it to the bathroom. I think repression knows.

I couldn’t work out PasQuale’s threate (or promise):

Yes, so where is the bathroom, if not here?

oh yes we do hehe :wink:

btw, the last part of the dutch quote has some hidden meanings :wink:

if you combine all the first letters of the words, you will get: De heerlijke topics van Repression (if nobody changed it sofar :tongue: ).

That means that Repression loves to eat chocolatecake in the bathroom.

What I got on the translator. Is it some kind of hidden message to make people like your topics more?

What is the purpose of doing this? I’m confused! Some kind of secret way mods talk to each other, lol. I though mods had a hidden bathroom (it is rummored) that they used. It’s just… I NEED TO GO!!!

mere odd didctation! Subliminal actually raises each sense, trying repetivley each second. So Y?


this topic has become even funnier than the dutch anti-stress-topic :lmao:

‘Repression’ is a highly respected mod over at the Dutch LD4All forum Techno.



Anyone seen my fluffy stressballs lately? Hmm, maybe i’ve left them in the bathroom :eh:

That’s all very funny, but i still don’t know where the bathroom is.


Techno…we have no stress!
We don’t need anti-stress threads.

How long exactly, have you been trying to find the bathroom? :eh:

Ummmm… :clown: :no: