LDing for school /Learning

Has anyone here tried to use LDing for learning?
Could be
1.Letting a teacher DC explain things that were rushed trough
in school
2.Projecting DNA\chemical structures into the Air
3. Really ExPierIeNCE all the stuff you’ve learned(being an antibody for example)
4. …
Looking forward to your replies
PS: Coll would be also if you could do it with a real teacher in a SD
(if such a thing exists School is gonna be FUN :hug:

One thing I’ve been wanting to try is practicing my bassoon for band in an LD. Maybe visit France to absorb more of the language.

Hmm… I was actually thinking doing LDing for a school project…

From what I understand in Lucid Dreams everything you read is mumbo jumbo which would make it difficult for read-required specific learning I suspect. It’s rather odd… in one dream I was reading an album cover from a famous singer. During the dream I remember the cover saying something clearly - afterwards I remember it saying something jibberish.

I suppose you could practice music in a dream to some degree. For example you could get a Lucid Orchestra to play a random song and when you wake up you could record it all, requiring that you have very good dream recall.

I’m curious as to just how much the concious can learn from the subconcious. Wouldn’t it be true to say that the subconcious studies things as we observe around us? If that information is indeed stored in your subconcious mind then perhaps you could bring it out to your concious while you are dreaming!

How about trying a little test… flip through the first chapter of a book you haven’t read before. When next in a Lucid Dream have a DC explain what happened in that chapter in detail. When you wake up compare to see accuracy… you might just have a new method for learning right there :wink:.

I’ve read of a technique for speedreading… wich entails using a program wich displays the text very fast whie you are in a relaxed state and looking beyond the screen by menas of a stereogram in the background. After this you are supposed to be able to recall the information in a dream for example by watching it as a movie. I have Great doubts about this though. I suggest only using Lucid dreaming as a supplement. and brainstorming. The information is not reliable. But an good idea is a good idea.

This is such a good idea! :cool_laugh:

I could revise for tests in there lol.

I could practise my French by going to France!
:cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :hmmm:

Well should have heard correct pronounciation first otherwise how should your SC now how to create a reality-like france ?
other wise :thumbs:

The night before my Anglia exams I forced myself and every DC I met to speak English. Sure, it was mostly gibberisch, but I felt more confident afterwards.

I’ve got an AS exam in a couple of days, maybe I’ll try revisin in an LD 2nite! Mind you, it doesn’t sound too appealing I don’t have LDs all that often and revising in them would seem such a boring waste of an LD.

This is such a great idea!
I wanna do chemical experience!
Or even practice Practical experience in LD!
I will try !!!

(ps : For people learning french send me a private text , i will help you, I am a parisienne!)

Well, I had a strange experience with LDing in school today. I was so tired from the previous day (directing TV programs, fixing the home network, WBTBing [always makes me tired]) that every time I closed my eyes I experienced HH. It was weird, but I had enough sense to not fall asleep.

When i used to ld a lot, many years ago, and when i was having problems with advanced math at college, i have been taught that through the dream. I have been taught m theory and all that too, but to a level that i did not undersatnd and waking forgot most of it, i find this to be my problem with learning things in dreams.
i learned how to ride my motorbike toa high level inside lucids, i have learned how to sing, give great public speaking, flirt well be more confident. I have learned how to attract that things that i want.

never made a dna structure but that would be cool.

Transforming into something to feel what it is like would be a great learning experience.

But you could only find knowledge in your LD to some degree, because, well, your mind must first know the information. Like, you couldn’t just learn five new languages while you sleep unless you actually know the language in real-life. But, like some people have said on this thread, maybe your subconscious is storing information that is hidden from your mind, and you could bring it forth in an LD.

But, I think LDing would be a great way to overcome phobias… For example, I’m deathly afraid of spiders, and I have a fear of heights to some degree. I’m also quite anti-social, and I think I could overcome these things in an LD.

I also wonder if you could treat depression through LDing, like acquiring counseling from a spirit guide.

yup to all that. except one thing, the having to know it in real life first. there is some schools of thoughts that you dont actually need to know it at all to learn it. call it higher learning, aski records sub con what ever, i think its possible. its the remembering it that i feel is the hard part. but if you have experienced it irl first makes its eaiser to remember

I have heard of people learning piano without ever touching one using computer programs and dreaming. of course i wont provide a link because I can’t judge what is credibal. I know for a fact that olympic athletes meditate on specific motor skills (like a topspin in tennis) And that actuallly improves their motorskills when they try the next time. I don’t know if they LD on it though, hey maybe some of them do :confused:

I don’t know about learning what you never learned before, but I personally want to use LD’s to remember parts of my early childhood and when I was a baby; because they’re stored in the subconscious, all memories of your life are crystal clear and viewable through the use of LD’s.

I’d love to find out more about myself by diving deep into my subconconscious.

I don’t think it’s possible to learn something you don’t know from lowering your brain activity (sleeping). If anything wouldn’t that make it harder to learn? :confused:

@chester , yes it is gennerall belived to be so … Reno , this is certainly a good an interresting idea , the questiuon is ; how far do you want to go back in your memories i think that going beyond the phase of speech development is imposible , but maybe i am wron here … sombody know something about re-activating old memories here ? sombody who even has done it ? /me thinks about making a topic for this because the idea seems to come back …
greetz /me