LDing like crazy since DV went down

Hey all I’m new, another refugee from DV and I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this or not (the thread titles here are a bit more obscure than how they were at DV).

Anyway…ever since DV went down I’ve been having massive amounts of LDs every night. Last night I walked out of my house and figured, well I usually fly so this time I’ll try to run really fast like a cheetah on all fours. Man it was cool, try it. I also wanted to see what it felt like to eat in a dream but all I could find was a bucket of ice for some reason so I crunched away and it was really cold and felt really strange. Anyway, I’m bummed that I don’t have my usual friends to discuss my LDs with anymore but I’d like to make new ones here.

Also, I have a question. Has anyone ever “felt” REM? One time I was in a really light LD dream state where I was aware that I was sleeping and I could sort of open my eyes and look around my room and then close them and go back into an LD. But after awhile I could feel my eyes wigging out in REM and it freaked me out so I woke up.

yeah I feel REM all the time. I think it is speccyteccy who can induce his REM cycles at will. I have been thinking about using his method to WILD :wink:

his thread can be found here:
[Intro, my experiences, my LD technique and some questions.)

The first time I felt my REM I freaked out hehe :grin: