He’ll probably just realize she’s just a product of his mind and will no longer be scared her.
Also, schizophrenia is a VERY overdiagnosed disorder. The reason for this is that the symptoms are anything but concrete, unlike some of the other mental disorders such as anxiety disorder and multiple personality disorder (which is totally separate from schizophrenia by the way). Schizophrenia is separated into several categories. They’re all, for the most part, related to a certain level of ‘detachment’ from reality, though the word detachment can mean very different things for different schizophrenics.
Catatonic schizophrenia symptoms include freezing up in certain odd positions and hold them for long periods of time without moving. This is one of the subtypes which usually not overdiagnosed, I mean if a person is sitting and looking like this (https://www.minddisorders.com/images/gemd_01_img0029.jpg) it’s kind of a giveaway symptom.
Disorganized schizophrenia is characterized by thought disorder and a lack of emotion, as well as the person talking in a kind of word soup which only makes sense to him but seems completely random to everyone else (they may form phrases out of words that sound similar rather than using grammar or whatnot)
Then there is paranoid schizophrenia (which is what you hear about all the time) and it is based around delusions and hallucinations. And in my opinion, if we’re using delusions as a criteria, most creationists would fit the bill (which just shows how careful doctors have to be before placing a diagnosis). There are some people that clearly are sick, for example if they’re seeing people that aren’t there, but you have to understand that it’s not always that clear-cut, and that what someone would call a schizophrenic episode, another would call a spiritual experience.
I’m not going to make any judgements here because I don’t know your friend and just reading your posts isn’t enough to make any conclusions, but I think the diagnosis may have been a bit rushed. Just think about what this ‘stamp’ can do to a person’s life. Once you’re labeled a schizophrenic everyone’s perception of you will change. And you may not think that your friend will notice how you act towards him but I guarantee you he will, and it won’t make things easier. It doesn’t help that most people are very unknowledgable about schizophrenia and upon finding out that someone has been diagnosed with it, they will probably treat them like a mental retard or just avoid them out of fear completely.
So don’t write him off as a mental cripple just yet, and definitely don’t blame LD’s on it.
EDIT: Just realized that this topic is like a year old.