Recently I’ve been having more LD’s, but when I realise its a dream everything starts to fade.
Last night I realised I was dreaming and as soon as I did, everything around me started fading, and I tried to spinning method, but it caused me to have a FA,
so I woke up,…but still in my dream thinking i was awake,
then later in the dream i was walking down the street, realised again I was dreaming, everything started fading really fast and i dont remember the rest.
Why does everything fade on me
Anyone know a good way to avoid this, or deal with it better? The spinning method is good but I always seem to wake up some place else and not realise I am still dreaming. Maybe I should repeat to myself at the same time "I AM DREAMING I AM DREAMING " while im spinning? any thoughts?
Don’t worry this is happens to almost everyone when they first start to have LD ’s. You will find it easier to stay in LD ‘s as you have more of them. As soon as you become lucid do something to stabilize the dream before things start to fade.
With spinning - Telling yourself that the next thing you see will be a dream or that you will be in a ______ place can help.
Have you tried to rub your hands together, grab on to something in the dream, put your hand through a wall. These have helped me and are less likely to give you a FA. I have also found that flying will help but a lot of people fid flying hard at first. Flying came easy to me. If you also find flying easy then this might help you stabilize things.
Hang in there. Things will get better with practice.
What I have found out that has helped me to stay lucid is to just stare at my hand. I just found this out myself. As soon as you feel the dream is about to end or start to fade, just stare at one of your hands while you walk around. Everything should become clear again and more stable. I tried the spinning technique but it to changed my dream. Staring at your hand works best. Try it.
What I have found out that has helped me to stay lucid is to just stare at my hand. I just found this out myself. As soon as you feel the dream is about to end or start to fade, just stare at one of your hands while you walk around. Everything should become clear again and more stable. I tried the spinning technique but it to changed my dream. Staring at your hand works best. Try it.
This could also be the end of your REM cycle. A couple of times I have had such long vivid LDs they have extended three or four REM cycles. The world always fades to black at the end of the REM cycle. I just look at my hands and rub them together, even if I can’t see them any more. This usually brings me back into my dreams.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! REM stages last from 10 to 45 minutes, getting progressively longer through a night. A sleep cycle is 90 minutes - that’s the REM stage, down to deep sleep, and back up again.
I asked because what toadstool said made no sense and I wanted him to reword it.
Actually, there is no hard and fast rule about how long a REM period can be. Everyone is different. I know that I have had LD that lasted over an hour. Also REM is not the only time dreaming occurs just the most likely and some say most vivid.