Tell me about some of your children memories of LDs you’ve had, way back when you didn’t even know about them. One of mine that stands out was when I appeared in my room. Somehow I knew it was a LD and my grandpa was in it. I kept telling him about how I was dreaming. I asked him if he could give me something in a dream and I could still have it while I woke up. He gave me a hat and said when I woke up I would have it beside my bed. Of course no hat when I woke up, but I still remember this one from a while ago.
I’m not too sure if these were strictly LD’s but when I was young, about 5-6 years old. All of the kids in our building used to have competitions to see who could jump down the most steps. I remember many many times practising this in my dreams. I could jump many more steps than I could in my waking life. Sometimes even gliding down from the top floor, floating about a foot above the steps, turning the corners and descending the next level until I reached the bottom and landed on my feet!! These dreams were so life-like and real. They took place in the middle of the night because no-one was ever around to witness my jumping feats. I remember telling everyone I could do this in my dreams so I’m guessing I must have been lucid while doing it.
Oh, in real-life I never made more than 7 or 8 steps. I was too scared to break my legs or trip into the wall after I landed.
This was one of my most re-occurring dreams at that age, along with flying over the golf course and over the flats. It was cool. I’m really looking forward to that level of lucidity in my adult life.
14 == a kid?
Well, in that case, I’ve had absolutely NO LDing experiences…Maybe it just doesn’t come naturally for me? HAHA! That’s why I’m training.
hmm well i think i always had dream controll in a dream as a kid but it is the last dream before i lost lucidity for many years taht stands out.
oh i am like 4 or somthing
I am standing near a road and running around, i find a ring ( which i now know as dreamweaver ) i pick it up and say “i can make it rain” so i do. i make it rain. i laugh and run onto the raod and make it rain harder. it becomes soo hard i cant see. Then a car comes out of the rain i see its lights and than… just before it hits i awake.
For a long long time. well 12 years i didnt ahve a really good lucid dream, i must have had one or two but nothing major.
That is untill now. After two yers of training and not giving up i am almost at teh stage of have lucid dreams everynight. almsot. now i need better dream recall.
But the reason for this is i have been given back dreamweaver. a very powerful ring. but that is for som other time. my fingers are dead
Actually, now that I think about it, I used to have Ld’s all the time when I was a kid. They were REALLY low level though. I thought I was in real life, but I just flew around the place. It was rather odd, because I always tried to fly when I was dreaming (thinking it was real life) and never when I was actually in RL. Hmmm.
Sounds cool guys. Also the other that comes to my mind was when I was about 8 or 9. I somehow knew I was dreaming, and I was outside on a street near my house. I decided I wanted to shock people, and show off a bit so I took off and started flying above the houses. I remember looking down and everybody started coming out of their house and looking up. They were all pointing in excitement.
I don’t really know if I ever dreamed lucid as a kid, but I think it’s very possible. I also used to have these ‘big and small’ experiences, very frightening… as a result of anaesthetics.
I do remember, very often, flying. I’d jump up in the air and stay afloat. Or I’ll take a running jump and do some sort of moonwalking, often resulting in flying. My biggest wish as a kid was to be able to fly, so I dreamt about it a lot.
I remember one dream. I was near the village playground, and this woman appears. Dark curly hair, a light blue robe, and golden jewelry. I knew she was something like a priestess, or a medium… she asked me, what do you wish for? One part of my mind went “Say it!! Say, “I wish that I can wish for anything I want!!”” but the other part of my mind wanted to fly. So I said, “I want to fly!” and at the same time was like… damn… I should’ve wished for something else! Then the woman worked her magic on me like it was some sort of Disney movie, with a magic stick and sparkles all around me. Then I floated off the ground and started flying. I don’t know if I was really lucid or not, because I didn’t fully realise I was dreaming… but on some level, I did. I also still remember this dream ten years after I had it…
I also remember a dream I had when I was about 15… I was really thirsty, so I made this HUGE bowl of sparkling water appear, and drank it. When I woke up I really wanted to drink more of that sparkling water.
To this day I occasionally still dream of ‘walking on the moon’, i.e. with low gravity. Or I run and run and run, but I don’t get tired.
I’ve also had a large number of WILDs, only I didn’t know anything about lucid dreaming, so I wasn’t able to get into a full lucid state from them. Frankly, they were frightening, so I tried to avoid them instead… x_x
My only memories of lucidity when I was quite young all were in the same dream circumstances. It used to happen frequently. I’d be in some situation where I had to scream to save myself and I could only make a strangled sounding gurgle -you know what I mean, but then I’d think to myself “this is silly. I’ve had plenty of other dreams where I can’t scream and it’s no big deal, just try to scream in a different way” and it worked. I’d be able to scream or wake myself up. I wish I’d been able to use the lucidity to do something else. I didn’t have any quality LDs until I found out what it was.
When i think of it… i dont remember any LD’s from when i was a kid at all.
Yeah I guess it is hard to remember some since it was so long ago. Maybe not so long ago for me, maybe that’s why I can still remember some lol.