Learn in LD?

Is it possible to learn new things while LD? I heard you could i dont know if you can though.

That would be cool for me to learn new songs on guitar in my LD or know were to look for like 1million dollars! :rofl: Also please read my other posts i made im still seeking information.

Please answer this.

My very unqualified answer would be that you can’t learn things like facts about stuff and so on in a dream.

I think you can learn mental things like how to be more confident, less nervouse in different situations, and other things that would go under this category.

However, learing new things that you simply don’t know already should be impossible. You can’t learn how tall a specific mountain is for instance, if you don’t have it buried somewhere in your subconsiousness already.

So you can probably practice different stuff, and perhaps even bring back some forgotten memories (not sure how successfull that would be), but learning completely new nonmental stuff is probably not possible.

You could probably learn a new song on your guitar in theory, but keep in mind that you would have to make the song (or have a nifty way of making your subconsious make it for you), then practice it. This would again require the guitar to work properly in the dream.

Learning creative stuff you can do. If you can take in the information well enough to reproduce it IRL.
The really cool thing about learning from your dreams is when you know a subject well and then realise in your dreams something you wouldn’t IRL. It can be a totally new thing to you and the world. That is how I think dreaming can really change the world, given the chance.

There was a post a while back about someone learning perfect pitch in their LD.

course you can learn new things in ld. Learning something new is just "teaching " your brain through expereiences, you still recieve the same expereincees while in dreams they are just internal not external but to your brain that doesnt make it any less real. I have learnt much, like how to solve math problems, to prefecting my motorbike riding, its all good

I hope you can get rid of stage fright in LD :smile:

i have no doubt. i know you can do it. Just give it a go, anything and i mean anything is possible when you can lucid dream

good, i have alittle stage fright

Try asking around in the Beyond Lucidity forum… this seems to have a lot to so with shared dreaming etc. The people that post there seem to be pretty knowledgeable about that sort of stuff.

I am sure you can practice what you already know or analize it
I once solved geometry homework in the middle of LD

I must LD! ER! Oh and did you get your name from the race in Morrowind? That name is the same i think. A morrowind dream would RULE!

You can learn things you already know but you don’t know that you know them… I mean, things that deep inside you know, but you don’t understand that you do. :grin:
Try asking your SG some questions or create your twin and ask it, you’ll see!!

Ive played bowling before, but im no good at it. Can i learn how to play it better in LD becuase I do know how to bowl, im not a bowling guy tho, just occasionally i go with my friends bowling and i want to be prepared, lol

oh and i understand

You can practice anything you want, after all, LDs feel as real as RL!!

Thats what i heard, but in my mind i just cant picture it as clear as RL, but i know it does, i just have to experience it to relise. My brother LD that a old women walked in his room at night, and he said he woke up sitting up staring at the place where the old women was, and he said he could still see the red from her red shirt, lol, and he said it was REAL clear. It was a accident for him tho, lol

If you want a clearer LD try shouting “increase lucidity”, it REALLY helps!! Focus on your hand or something else, don’t just go off doing things, try to actualy think. Stabilise the dream and when you get used to it, then do anything you want. Paint a tree pink, dance with a penguin, walk up-side down!! :cool_laugh:

lol, thanks, i hope it helps, and is it easy to change it from night to day? Becuase i would prefer day while walking outside becuase i have a fear of the dark if im alone outside. I would only be outside at night in a dream if i had a DC with me and we would do something like rob a store.

Hmmm… I haven’t tried it but it’s possible, just control it with your mind. (and hope for the best!!)

Note: you must take a look at the dream sky, it’s AMAZING!!

Lol, i will, im going to try and fly in the dream sky, and if im lucky i will make it to a dream space, have you seen a space in your dreams?