I saw that many people had problems with flying and not being able to do many tings when they where Lucid in dreams.
Im gonna give out a little guide on how I have found it to work.
First I must say that I only had 1 lucid dream.
And this is what i could do:
(Note: This is not to brag, although i am proud )
Flying, Becoming strong, Controlling people, Laser out of eye’s, invincible, stop time, Lightning out of hands, weather controll.
And everything perfect, except laser out of eye’s, it was harmless and controlling people.
Willpower: I have found it very easy to just use the power off will, wich means i had the mindset of being able to do all these things, long before i had a LD.
You might had a dream where you flew, or did other cool stuff, try to remember and think about those dreams, remember HOW you did it, and when you do remember, KNOW you will be able to do ANYTHING that you want. Just KNOW it!
Meditation: Yes! This is by no doubt a good ting to do, also helps with a “clearer” mind, where you can relax and enjoy just chilin’ out Imagenate your wildest power etc.
Tools: “Self-help subliminals” A program wich sends out subliminal messages to you via the screen, pup-ups that last for 50millisec, you can edit and write your own messages, like “I will easy take controll of the dream” “I can do whatever i want when i am LD’ing”. And so on.
Repeat: Dont do this just once, or twise, do it everyday.
Confidence: Confidence really helps, if you are unsure and doubt everything, you will tend to find problems doing things, where the tool “Self-help subliminals” that you can find on google, also have some messages that includes better confidence, motivation, memory and lots of other cool stuff.
Imagenation: Try seeing yourself do it in your head, if you have no clue how to do it, when you have the chance, that would be hard.
How to do it in the LD: A easy way to get things is by knipsing your hands and summoning a pill that will make you dream for a longer time etc. Do not say "This pill will make me have a lucid dream for 8 more hours, i did, and the DC’s jump on me and refused to let me take it. Find your limit Know that you are free, and can do whatever you like. Great thing is also to ASK for skills, like: “Give me the power to fly” And while you are saying that, feel it! (Really not a question but you know what i mean
And dont give up, never ever!
Hope this have been to some help for people