learn to lucid dream at will

on the topic of self hypnosis i told myself i would sleep until 10 and wake up, no waking up before then.

I did… but i didn’t remember that I wanted to do that, so when I woke up and it was 10 i was like wtf? and i was angry that i missed my early morning dreaming opportunites… and i was tired.

then i realized that my subconscious did what i asked of it and felt bad for being upset with it… :silent:

i cannot by any means LD at will though, except in peak morning conditions.

i am indeed listening
thanks for the answers, keep posting

I like the idea of combining different things and find a routine, a combo of techniques that works for you. anyone with tips for a good combo?
Im thinking that if you get a tip about a combo that works very well for antoher person, that might get you to believe in it more and therefore its easier to keep practising it. also you can start with it, and then experiment with time intervals etc. sort of cooking after a reciept and changing the spices… :smile:

I will for example give WILD combined with WBTB a shot for 2-3 months or so, and experiment with time, position in bed, activity during wake-period, wild-techniques…

I tried with getting up after six instead of five hours this morning, and had success at first atempt. several LDs… :smile:

Here is my formula for a combo of techniques that is working very well:

DJ/WBTB/WILD/RC in that order–

  1. Dream Journal. Set your intention to wake after every dream and remember it. I wake every day at 4am using this and write my dream(s) in my journal. You must be able to do this. Practice!

  2. WBTB. After writing, I get up and get a drink of water and stay up no longer than 5 minutes.

  3. WILD ‘counting’ & RC. I use the ‘counting’ WILD method, BUT combine it with reality checks. I say to myself “1 I’m dreaming, 2 I’m dreaming…” all the way to 50. When I get to 50, I pinch my nose and try to breath. If I can’t breath, I start over again at 1. Eventually, if you stay aware and concentrate, when you get to 50 and pinch your nose, you’ll be able to breath and you will know you’re dreaming.

I’ve just started with this particular combination and I have success every time. I did MILD for a very long time, but I could never remember my intention. This technique is immediate, but it’s a little hard to do. You’ve got to concentrate and practice! When you find a method that works, it will get easier and easier.

Hope this helps. Basically try all methods for a while and eventually you’ll see what your mind responds to…