Learning how to operate your brain

interesting what was mentioned about classical music…

several times, finding myself in that relaxed state, where your dozing off yet a part of you is still around… I began hearing this kind of faraway, yet perfectly clear, classical music…

I remember listening, sort of absent mindly for a while… Then startled I asked myself ‘music? what’s this music?’ and as if someone turned the volume nod down to 0, the music faded.

The second time it happened, I was in that same falling asleep yet very aware of it happening state… Incredible, I imagine mozart or beethoven having the ability to dream complete operas in their minds!!! It goes beyond words… :peek:

I’ve spent the last few months away from the site and I’ve used about 90% of my lucid time to experiment with operating my brain differently. I have had loads of sucess… and loads of failures. I have fully developed my ability to create false memories and found physical proof that shows they are lost as true memories when they are proven wrong. I have developed a different visualisation thing with my dreams… I say “thing” coz i don’t know howto explain it. It’s the most imprressive thing I’ve done so far. I don’t visualise in real life anymore… I “see” things. I can (at will) see something infront of me the EXACT same way I’d see something real. And it last and doesn’t lose any clarity till I want it to. Visualisation sucks compared to this. How many other people can do this? It’s taken me 3 months. I have a weird theory. Has someone ever tricked their brain into believing they can feel things when they can’t? Like i can with ym sight? If you could do both then technically you could hold a ball… imagine the implications which could occur when you threw the ball at someone…

I managed to develop this skill using many MANY different practices but they all came from one really simple idea I had. When you use your memory you use a certain part of your brain. And it’s the same in a dream… the same parts of the brain are active. So I figured that if there was anyway to unlock new senses and the such then maybe its through lucid dreaming. I figured that if someone tried using a sense in a dream using the most realistic possible factors then the correct part of the brain should be in use. If after months of trying there is still no progress then I would assume the sense or woteva doesn’t exist. This is hard to explain. OK heres one thing I’ve been trying recently:

I’ve tried creating a few DC (usually 3) and making sure that they have their own will… (or at least I don’t consciously control them). They think of yes or no. Whatever they want. I then try to read what they are thinking in their heads. I focus on the fact that they have a brain inside their heads and it works the same way as normal ppl. If someone I focus on thinks yes then i get a hot feeling. No then its a cold feeling. Simple. I figure that if it is possible to do this is RL then the part of my brain should be getting “warmed up” when I do this constantly in dreams. Getting more and more ready so I can use it in RL. And I know this means nothing at all coming from my dream… but I think I know where telepathy comes from. It doesn’t come from one part of the brain which we dont know about. It comes from 2 completely normal parts working together! I get the feeling that is what is happening when I do this lucid. In RL iv had some scary success but then again NOTHING compared to the amount you would need to prove something like this. It’s been wrong a lot of the times and it’s not worked at all sometimes. But I have had my fair share of it working and have really showed off to some mates… But this could easily be put down to luck.

I have also been working with making myself talk in RL while dreaming. I have now discovered that there are two ways of doing it and they depend on the time scale in your dream. I noted that sometimes I spoke SUPER-FAST and other times completely normal! On further investigation I found that in a 10-40 minute dream I speak normally in the RL. In a dream which lasts stupidly long like 4 years… I speak REALLY fast. I didn’t think this owuld be the case as you do not really live out 4 years SPEEDED UP! You live out BITS of 4 years and its enough to make you believe you have spent 4 years dreaming. Therefore the speach should not be speeded up…it should be missing chunks and be at a normal speed. But it isn’t. So I have a new belief, perhaps we do dream out these stupidly long times but they are processed incredibly fast? Maybe.

Oh and I have this AWESOME recording of me sleeping and I say in a weird groggy voice. “i am sleeping but I am awake. Testing”. Lol. My next experiment on the voice thing is to have a conversation with someone. I talk to them and they can answer yes or no. Yes they shine red in my eyes and no they shine blue. I know this last bit doesn’t have much to do with controlling the brain but i had to put it somewhere so why not have all this together!

I’ve spent the last few months away from the site and I’ve used about 90% of my lucid time to experiment with operating my brain differently. I have had loads of sucess… and loads of failures. I have fully developed my ability to create false memories and found physical proof that shows they are lost as true memories when they are proven wrong. I have developed a different visualisation thing with my dreams… I say “thing” coz i don’t know howto explain it. It’s the most imprressive thing I’ve done so far. I don’t visualise in real life anymore… I “see” things. I can (at will) see something infront of me the EXACT same way I’d see something real. And it last and doesn’t lose any clarity till I want it to. Visualisation sucks compared to this. How many other people can do this? It’s taken me 3 months. I have a weird theory. Has someone ever tricked their brain into believing they can feel things when they can’t? Like i can with ym sight? If you could do both then technically you could hold a ball… imagine the implications which could occur when you threw the ball at someone…

I managed to develop this skill using many MANY different practices but they all came from one really simple idea I had. When you use your memory you use a certain part of your brain. And it’s the same in a dream… the same parts of the brain are active. So I figured that if there was anyway to unlock new senses and the such then maybe its through lucid dreaming. I figured that if someone tried using a sense in a dream using the most realistic possible factors then the correct part of the brain should be in use. If after months of trying there is still no progress then I would assume the sense or woteva doesn’t exist. This is hard to explain. OK heres one thing I’ve been trying recently:

I’ve tried creating a few DC (usually 3) and making sure that they have their own will… (or at least I don’t consciously control them). They think of yes or no. Whatever they want. I then try to read what they are thinking in their heads. I focus on the fact that they have a brain inside their heads and it works the same way as normal ppl. If someone I focus on thinks yes then i get a hot feeling. No then its a cold feeling. Simple. I figure that if it is possible to do this is RL then the part of my brain should be getting “warmed up” when I do this constantly in dreams. Getting more and more ready so I can use it in RL. And I know this means nothing at all coming from my dream… but I think I know where telepathy comes from. It doesn’t come from one part of the brain which we dont know about. It comes from 2 completely normal parts working together! I get the feeling that is what is happening when I do this lucid. In RL iv had some scary success but then again NOTHING compared to the amount you would need to prove something like this. It’s been wrong a lot of the times and it’s not worked at all sometimes. But I have had my fair share of it working and have really showed off to some mates… But this could easily be put down to luck.

I have also been working with making myself talk in RL while dreaming. I have now discovered that there are two ways of doing it and they depend on the time scale in your dream. I noted that sometimes I spoke SUPER-FAST and other times completely normal! On further investigation I found that in a 10-40 minute dream I speak normally in the RL. In a dream which lasts stupidly long like 4 years… I speak REALLY fast. I didn’t think this owuld be the case as you do not really live out 4 years SPEEDED UP! You live out BITS of 4 years and its enough to make you believe you have spent 4 years dreaming. Therefore the speach should not be speeded up…it should be missing chunks and be at a normal speed. But it isn’t. So I have a new belief, perhaps we do dream out these stupidly long times but they are processed incredibly fast? Maybe.

Oh and I have this AWESOME recording of me sleeping and I say in a weird groggy voice. “i am sleeping but I am awake. Testing”. Lol. My next experiment on the voice thing is to have a conversation with someone. I talk to them and they can answer yes or no. Yes they shine red in my eyes and no they shine blue. I know this last bit doesn’t have much to do with controlling the brain but i had to put it somewhere so why not have all this together!

Awesome success!

Pedro, man, that’s insane…

I understand the implications of everything BUT the “visualization” could you please please please explain in some detail how you trained yourself, while lucid, to manifest things in real life?

I mean, I guess it should be the same shouldn’t it?

If I think of a ball and make it appear in front of me in a dream I should need to do the same thing for it to work in real life, there shouldn’t be a difference.

But obviously your brain is not “on” like that while you are awake, you’d have to permanently alter your mind somehow, or like, just, somehow, totally convince yourself it works in real life.

I’m not sure how you’d do that… so you could you explain what you did?

I’d love to be able to do that at will.

Well it’s hard to explain and I thought that last post would really help… I’ll tell you what. After work 2moro I’ll sit and rattle of a proper post here about it. I’ll try to be as detailed as possible but I promise it will still be messed up. a lot fo it is feeling and I don’t see how I can fully describe that… Cya 2moro!

I’ve been controlling my vision as you have my friend… to see things that do not exist but as if it were really there… I stumbled upon this when I was a child and would have scary thoughts of monsters or zombies… I was an imaginative kid, and I would scare the crap out of myself!! This was when I was much younger and had less control over what I saw… Now as an adult, with more understanding of the mind/dreams… I could control this lucidly… Have you tried other things besides seeing particular things… like bending what you physically see… say in half? Or kaleidoscoping your vision? 360 Vision is fun also…

Can you create your own sounds as if you’re hearing them aloud? I often recreate the voice of a friend or family member and hear them encouraging me or complimenting my efforts at whatever I’m doing… I use the voice of a person pertaining to what I want to achieve… I can actually hear their voice! As if they were physically here… and the accuracy is uncanny…

Sense of smell is probably one of the easiest for majority of people… just think of a stinky fart… and you can almost smell it… I sure can…

I’m working on sense of touch/feel… that seems to be the hardest one for me… If anyone has tips or techniques to increase lucid sense of touch/feel… let me know!! I hope to recreate some hot summer nights of lovin’ with my ex in my waking state :wink:


:eek: wow, I wish I could to something like that. I have increased my visualizing skills since I found out about lucid dreaming and sometimes before bed when I think about something I’m amazed at how real it looks. And even my dreams seems to have gotten more vivid :cool_laugh:

The best I can do to “see things” IRL is to visualize something while looking at something, but that doesn’t really look that vivid :neutral: but I will keep practicing :cool:

i don’t understand any of this talk. though i haven’t done any lucid dreaming, and can barely remember dreams, i still feel this needs to be said. how do you let everything go if you are trying all this? to do this, you have to think about trying to listen to chakra, instead of just listening. any of this make sense?
I’ve made up this kinda strange belief that the personal truth and belief is not describable, and can only be applied to something and made describable, but in only one sense. the whole of it, in order to be pure, cannot be lowered down into words. the whole point of this is that you give names to this stuff, and thus all you find is the meaning you gave it, not reality.


I always used to visualize a lot of stuff when I was younger, and because I believed it to be real it appeared to be totally real to me…

It made me rather paranoid as a child, because what followed was that I would sense “presences” all the time walking around in certain places…

I am a musician, so I have used this sense of sharpened visualisation to create lot’s of music… really the best tool anyone can use, it is indeed the key to creating real art… because it comes straight from the subconscious/universe…

I have tried to hone these skills for quite a while now…
and I think the key to create matter in RL from your mind, is to see that the same matter you create dreams from in your mind is also existant in RL.

This I kinda found out for myself once when I closed my eyes while meditating, visualized a circle, decided to create matter of it, slowly opened my eyes while keeping the visual in my head “on top” of the RL image… (at this point, my body started to vibrate really powerfully) …with my eyes totally open I shifted focus totally on the circle and zoomed in on it… the moment I did just that, what appeared as a lonely particle floating in space appeared before me, totally peacefully… the air around it seemed more like water than air, if you can relate… It seemed really unstable, so I thought the thought (just imagining myself that I’m the most powerful magician in the world or something) of like just “Stabilize!”… It then seemed to turn into a little black particle resembling dust-particles in size just black intead, wich proceeded to land in my palm… :eek:

It was really excillerating… and though I had just woken up 3h prior to this happening, I fell right back to sleep again right after and slept 12h straight…

This happened after a period I had been meditating, visualizing and ld’ing all day for about 2 weeks straight in a vacation period…

I havn’t been able to muster up anything close to the serenity that period offered again later, and the entire thing had almost dropped from my memory until I read this thread…


Yeah, I do stuff like that all the time… that’s the power of our subconscious recall! :content:

woow!! this topic just get weirder and weirder and i like it :grin:

Jeff: its just amazing what you say; layered dreams!!!. Did fear was an obstacle you overcomed at any given time?, beacuse I found that when I try to WILD, the fact of not feeling my body gets me nerveus and my heart start beating rapidly stoping me for doing it, also the blackness and the void you enter moments before you enter the dream, it just scares me, I know its an irracional fear because it happends every night but it seems I need to get used to or I am doing something wrong. What I have notice though is that by doing WBTB I wont get scared because somehow my conscience is not the same as my awakened conscience but I would like to do WILD also.

pedro wrote:

Your progress its amazing please dont forget to write the post explaining it in detailed. thank you very much :smile:

Daimos wrote:

That just happend in RL or while you were in your meditative state? :eek:

Tiadstools wrote:

I think this is a wonderfull idea but i think we can extend it to make an DC that will be there every time we are unconscience, having the task to remind us, what do you think? I will do it next LD, might be a wonderfull method!!!

The best I have managed to do with “mindsight” is that I once saw a small black circle when I was focusing for a while. And sometimes I have managed to see a really faint thing that looked like a CD. I also accidentally managed to see a small circle today for a short while. And by seeing I mean I really saw it IRL, but so far everything has been faint and transparent.

But I will keep on trying :cool:

This episode happened just like that, in rl yeah…
though I had allready done the process mentally in my head while meditating, by means of visualization…
so the imagined sequence just kinda replayed itself, just in rl instead…
It’s not so strange really… our minds and it’s surroundings are more intertwined than most people are aware of…

…or I’m just high… :tongue:

no seriously… weird stuff