Legal music downloads

All those music threads around have made me want to download a bit of new music, though I can’t use illegal means of downloading music.

So, please all post your favourite sites that you can legally download from (perhaps with a short description)


LOL. this should be a really short list.

Aside from sites that give you their “own” music to download - all music dloads are illegal.

Commercial music, yes, but there is also lots of non-commercial music available (mostly electronic stuff, though).

Here for example:

Here you can download some excellent chillout mixes. Other styles: Goatrance, Hi-NRG and Clubtrance.
35 mixes in total.

It doesn’t work in most countries so naturally i can’t say anything about how good it it is.

It is still legal to download illegal copies here by the way. It’s the sharing person who’s commiting the crime if there is one.

Why not just use Kazaa or similar? I’m just slightly curious as to why you care whether it’s legal or not…

There’s some limited options at

I did find a good electronic band called AMR though. You might check them out if you are into that stuff.

Sony’s version of ITunes. 2 free downloads when you download the program for free.

This is a nice site with tools to make your own music, and links to other software. It also has some mp3s to download.

I think has some music too, but I have not been there in a long time. It looks more commercial now, but they use to have free music of trying new bands.

Most the time I check to places to get legal downloads. Either That site has a search for MP3s on the internet, I doubt it is legal, but it is probably a lot safer than peer to peer programs.

Reading the posts, I forgot all about to check out bands I have never really heard of. Its a site for underground artists. There is a ton of crappy artists there, but if you look enough, there are tons of diamonds in the rough to find :grin:

:eek: !!!
anti-leech patch often stops working, just keep trying the latest one and it should be fine, also turn off firewall for that time being

i would have suggested, but it was killed when it was bought up by cnet or something :neutral:

Did I mention

That’s a very good one, with music of all styles and tastes. Mostly indie bands though.

Indeed, GarageBand is pretty good. I’ve found lots of good electronica tracks there and it’s fun to critique the metal posers. =D

off-topic kind of
some nice sites to listen to (free-legal :tongue: ) music are

i really used to love that one website… what was it audiogalaxy satelite?

back in it’s prime, you could get downloads soooooo fast and efficient… it was great… better than kazaa/napster/morpheous perhaps

file sharing has really declined lately, unless there is some new program i’m missing out on, which is probably so.


bring the crappy music industry and it’s Jet and Nicklebacks down.

Audiogalaxy was awesome. You can probably find some stuff on Bit Torrent.

You can download Quictime and Download MP3 music that can play on there. I don’t think thats illegal, since you can put it on a disc.

Yea, Audio Galaxy Satalite wad definitly the best downloading program ever made, its too bad it got shut down. I could easily download at 300 kb/sec on Audio Galaxy, now I’m lucky to get over 100 kb/sec. When it comes to the span of content I think Lime Wire is best. I like it because it doesn’t have advertisments.