I’ve had several low level lucid dreams and afew full out lucid dreams but they never last that long. most the time i wake up because i get so excited that i’ve actually become. How long do your LD’s seem like they last.
i’ve noticed that when i become lucid at the start of a dream it lasts a lot longer and if i have a long dream before and become lucid it ends pretty quick.
I think there might be a time limit for dreams and when you become lucid it depends on which point you do with how long it lasts.
So i suppose once you become lucid you better get going on what you want/plan to do. . .
I guess that makes sence. After all you dream during the REM part of your sleep cycle which only lasts for a bit. Then increases alittle with each completed cycle that night.
So just try and reallize that your dreaming as soon as you can is what your saying.
DAMN!! how many posts does it take to get that second star??
My LD’s range from 10 minutes to an hour, they are rarley shorter.
Postwise here is the breakdown
0-9 = Sleepwalker
10-49 = Novice Dreamer
50-99 = Lucid Initiate
100-249 = Somniologist
250-499 = Astral Explorer
500+ = Dream Diety
Oh and mods alays have 5 stars