
When you’re inside of a lucid dream, are you in it in real time? Like do you feel like you would feel being awake? Because I hear people saying that they spend like 30 minutes+ in their lucid dreams, is this true? Do you actually spend that much time inside of the dream, and does it feel that way?

I beleive it’s like when you’re awake. You know how 10 minitues can feel like 30? Or 2 hours can feel like 30 minitues? I’m not completly sure though.

It usually is realtime, but with patience and practice, some people think that you can extend the time to make it seem like much longer. Possibly years…But I’m not sure about years.

Lucid dreams feel for me like they are in realtime. My longest lucid dreams felt like around 15-20mins, while most lucid dreams last only a couple of minutes.

I have had normal dreams that felt like lasted for days though. In these dreams i would go to bed and actually wake up the next day inside of those dreams.

I personally doubt it is possible to extend a fully lucid dream so that it feels like it last much longer than realtime.
I have heard of some very few people claiming to have LD’s that lasted for weeks or even years, but i honestly think they were bullshitting.
Laberge as well claim that they are in realtime…

Totally agree with Tomas here… :content:

I think its the same with normal dreams, when you wake up you realize that they werent longer than a minute but when you are in a dream you think more time passes, at least that happens with me.

Well, Stephen LaBerge and his oneironauts proved that lucid dreams are normally in real time by having lucid dreams in laboratories, and communicating one way using eye signals based on pre-agreed upon triggers such as, “Perform an eye signal when you become lucid, when you fly, etc.” Everything was real time when it timed out.

Although i dont think those test subjects were trying to extend the time in their dream, so it just shows that realtime is the normal state for LDs.

Mine are always in normal time. I’ve had one LD which has lasted 30 mn. It’s possible cause longest REM sleep phases last about 45 mn. Some rare people say they have had very long LD’s (many hours), so I suppose it was not real time in those cases.

They weren’t trying to extend the dream time, just prove that dreams were in realtime and that lucid dreaming exists. (This was in the dark ages for us, you see, and we had to prove ourselves to everyone in the media.)

I believe that it would be different for different people. Especially if you’re lucid. Time could be manipulated–distorted. In my dreams time varies–sometimes I get realtime, sometimes I don’t know how much or how little time has gone by. I heard somewhere, though that time in dreams is 20 times faster than realtime…it’s believable–because time can be distorted in dreams. :wink:

A study was done on people who were sleeping, measuring EEG activity. The were then asked to recall thier dreams in the morning, still under EEG activity.

They noticed very similar activity when recalling dreams, and it appeared to match the same timeframe as the dream state. Thus, they suggested that a dream roughly lasts as long as it takes to recall it.

That said (plus a grain of salt), i know someone who is able to enter the dream world, and has enough power to say “STOP TIME.” and time stops. And to this day, he can recall the one hundred years (to exceptional detail) every aspect of his entire life within that dream. Still, it took him an hour to recall it to me, so one can suggest that the dream only lasted an hour.

BUT! The beauty of this is that lucid dreams can be so realistic that the are indistinguishable from ‘normal reality’. Thus, it can be proposed that his dream did last 100 years.


The amount of time you spend in your dream, is directly equal to your understanding and beliefs of concepts of reality.

Conclusion for laymen:

It’s all subjective. However long you believe you are in the dream for, is however long you were in the dream.

n00dle, does you friend recall every day of every month for each of those 100 years? Because from what I understand, most people who say their dreams last for years mean that they are in the dream for minutes, but they make it appear that it was years. Ex. I can make my dream setting look like medieval times, and then walk through a door and then it is suddenly 2006. Is that how your friends’ dreams are, or does he go through every day for 100 years?

I remember Freecube and R3tro used to claim to spend several hours in their LDs. Mabye any interested parties could PM them, if they are still around.

It would be great if it was all true, that you can have LDs lasting even hours long.

Maybe a little experiment? We should be able to do that If we’d like. Why not try?

maybe you can jump from dream to dream without knowing it or it just, as pasquale says, snips
in other words, it’s the same story, only later

They also claimed to have like 300 LDs a month.

lol big fraud then:P

Well first of all, i don’t think you can have an LD that last hours since a REm phase never last so long… :neutral:

And I think that false memories can make people believe they have dreams that seems to last days or more, when they do not…

I don’t think dreams particularly have time. It’s the concept of time that we have that we attach to such dreams. It appears you can consciously change this factor within dreams, just like anything else.

I would find it hard to believe that an entire years worth of detail could be recalled in an hour. I can’t remember what I ate last week.