Let´s find the perfect dreamsign

Sounds similar to a xILD mentioned in LeBerge’s book. Urination induced lucid dreaming or something. I’m sure it could work because i’ve dreamt of peeing when i’ve needed the loo but fallen alseep, but would you want to do that every night? And is it even healthy to do that every night?

Unfortunately, the answer to both questions is:

Little health advice:
Don´t wait too long if you got to go to the toilet, in the long term that could cause ireversible damage. If this happens you have to go to the toilet way more often than usual, or you even need external means to assist you.

not sure if we can find a universal dreamsign, but mine is dreaming itself. whenever a thought relative to dreaming comes into my mind at anytime in the day, i do an RC. it works good for me because i dont think of it too often or too little, so i get a good average of RCs in the day.

The closest thing to perfect I think is jut everytime something strange or unussuall happens