Lets just fly around

In this topic you can ask any questions you have about flying and post your flying adventures.
Good luck touching the sky!! :fly:

I’ve still yet to fly in a LD (it’s top of my to-do list now) but when I do I’ll hopefully turn into a dragon or grow dragon wings. :smile: I’m obsessed with the creatures…

I could fly lastnight without wings but very badly. I would fall to the ground after a couple seconds. So i closed my eyes and thought of growing wingsin the back of my back. Guess what it WORKED! But It was like limited. I only had like 3 wing turns to use or something then i had to pay money to get more!!??. It was like an rpg. Made me mad but still very cool. I used 2 reality checks. Well tried 3. Only 2 worked which were Hold Nose Breath Through Fingers, and The Text/time change one. The one that didnt work was finger through hand.

I hadn’t tried flying until fairly recently, but since then it’s been pretty effortless and nice. What I have to do for it to work best is just jump up like I’m jumping normally (in dreams a normal jump usually sends me about twenty feet) and then forget about the going down part, since it’s really a conscious decision to come down afterward. I’ve never tried actually having wings, that’s my next flying adventure to try out.

The first flying LD I had, I was in a boat chase, and I was thrown with a ton of force off the side. I became lucid, and used the momentum from the throw to get me going. That was the most freedom I’ve ever felt. :grin:

I fly in almost all of my LDs now, it’s beautiful :content:

Hey Alex, I still also need some help from you since your my friend :grin: I need to learn to fly better and the wings i grew their was a flap thing that went under my arms and i had to flap my arms to make that work ( Really Stupid ) I’ll give you more details later :wink:

I LOVE dragons!! I want to turn into one too! :tongue:
You should first try something easier, like flapping your arms or growing wings…

It’s not that stupid (?) :tongue: Practice a bit with the flap-wings kind of thing and then with real wings. Try to imagine you have wings IRL, feel it, be it (I know this sounds really corny but it’s true!) :content:

[color=darkblue]I always fly around in LD’s. I remember my first LD and I flew but it was like swimming through water! I dream about flying a lot in ND’s so flying while lucid now seems easy for me.

Funny you mention it as well because I had a really vivid lucid the other night (I’m still buzzing over the experience). I haven’t been able to repeat it yet but the flying part felt so real!

I woke up and it all seemed quite vague and almost not so impressive, it is a strange thing to explain, but then that’s another story…[/color]

Yeah, I also dream of flying in almost every dream, that’s what I did in my first LD! :content: It was always the dream of my life to be able to fly, I’d give anything to do it IRL…
I used to want to grow up and become like these guys that can levitate and stuff!! At least I have LDs :wink:

I dont see anyone who hasnt tryed to fly in there LD, its the first thing on my list for my first LD (after all the RCs and stuff, lol) I hope i have a LD tonight

In my next LD I want to just take a look around and feel stuff, then I want to fly with my dragon and ride my hippogriff (they are something like my dream pets but more human) :grin:
(this was a bit off topic but at least it contains the word FLY in it!!)

I’ve flown a few times, and once you just accept it as being something as normal as walking, it feels so natural and fun ^^

My favourite method is to just hop, skip, and jump with both feet at the same time.

Flying is what got me lucid the first time. I was just flying around going to see some of my friends and showing them how to fly when I thought “This is so easy, I need to do it while I’m awake”. Then I knew that I was dreaming :grin:
When I become lucid now, the first thing that I do is take off flying.
I just float up in the sky. I can contorl speed and direction without any problem. That is probly because I was doing it in ND’s befor I got my first LD, and I was flying around when I first became lucid. Other then flying, I havn’t been able to do anything else yet in and LD. :sad: I also tend to fly too high now, then everything goes black and I wake up. I will just keep trying to get better.

I hope I get better luck next time I have an LD… before all I could do was take a huge swoop down and then I woke up :sad:

[color=darkblue]That pretty much describes what most of my LD’s are like…[/color]

[color=darkblue]Creative people tend to have flying dreams. They also say it’s a sign of striving for independence… [/color]

I dream of flying almost every night!! :content:

Yes, I meant you, since you’ve mentioned it before…

I want to fly really bad, i did fly in the dream i had last night with wings but i cant remember the flying part, i only remember that I DID fly

Oh… okay then!! :content:

It’s very annoying when that happens, but at least you flew!! :grin: