What if we all divided into pairs, and we could become dream partners in a shared dream, if it really works. We could make a meeting place…like a certain building, an we could describe it in as much detail as possibale, and use VILD technique, but we would have to make sure to be sleeping at the same time. So we would have to post time zones. We could ask in the dream for a code word to see if it worked. Im still practacing to have atleast 10 LDs a week, so ill need a little more time before I reach that point, and then Ill be ready. Anyone enterested?
I’ll do it for sure! I have already been trying to goto R3TRO’s/freecubes castle. no luck yet but when I LD tonight I am gonna try again.
edit: PST here…
Hell yae we can just make R3TRO, and freecubes castle the meeting place. It would be so cool, we could slow down dream time, and spend a week there taking a vacation. See you there.
lol thanx for asking
I… err… he… I… we… hi!
Well we can sit outside and make funny noises until you open the door
no i was just joking feel free to come on by, i mean thats what we made it for anyway
This is, of coarse, assuming shared dreaming is even possible .
Were just going to make ourselves at home, Im a pretty rude DC, so you better have Maid! LOL
Well, I do believe they’ve got put security devices on their building, so you may have trouble getting in…
What if we memorized a conversation, that we would hold in the dream, but you only memorize what you are going to say, and I would only memorize what Im going to say. Then we could see what the conversation was about the next day.
… you… er, what now?
OK heres one better, we can set everything up, as if it were going to be a play, we could write a screenplay, that we would all memorize, and have parts for, we would need to know as much detail to the castle R3TRO, and Freecube, could draw, and descripe it. We would need to know things, like will the dream be in Night or Day. What season, whats the weather going to feel like. Who will be there. Someone could write out the screenplay. Maybie after a few times, we could do away with the screenplay which would be like training wheels for the shared dream. I think thats what is done with dreams anyway, its just a play.
OR, we just go there and rememeber a code word and we all wake up and post it here. I went to a castle in a ND last night, I am not sure it was R3TRO’s though, I probably need more detail so my mind can picture it better, I guess.
Kavaa: wouldn’t be easier to just… meet?
I could not have put it better myself lol
I dont think the code would work, at first, but if we all rehearsed it like a dream play, and even have position of where everyone would stand… We would all in fact be sharing the dream, we could do this a couple of nights, and slowly do away with the script, and then bring in the code word. Freecube, or R3TRO… Can you give us a visual of your castle make it just one room for now, and what type of furnature is in the room. If we all have the same visual of the room, we could use VILD to get there.
But surely that’d defeat the entire purpose of having a shared dream? With a set script, it’d be no different to a normal LD…
Yae, it would be easier just to meet, but I really dont think that would work. The Idea is making a duplicated dream. Think about it… If dreams are any part of the collective consious, and a few people have the same dream at the same time, you are infact having a shared dream. Im not saying have an intire play, but just something with little dialog that dosnt have alot of dialog.
I can certianly see what you’re getting, but we’re working under the asumption that not only is shared dreaming possible, but that R3TRO and freecube have both experinced it.
As such, I personally think you’re idea should be left as a Plan B sort of thing (simply because it would require more effort) .