Hello all,
Ive recently had some very strange experiences involving my 3 year old son and dreaming. A bit of background first though… I seem to have spontaneously started what i believe may be lucid dreaming, although ive never consciously practised. In the last two-three weeks ive had several dreams where ive been aware that im dreaming, and able to fly, move around etc, although not change the main body of the dream. Since childhood ive also had many precognitive dreams, telepathy and very strong recall, so my dream life has always played a big part for me!
Anyway, the main dream i had recently was actually a nightmare, wont go into long boring detail, but was basically set in my own home. I was aware that i was dreaming, and initially i was just moving around from room to room, thinking about stuff i had to do next day etc, and all the time thinking i should wake up, but couldnt. Then (in my dream) someone tried to break down my front door (here is the nightmare part!). Still aware of being in a dream, i was unsure if this was really happening or not…i also saw in my dream my son and i lying in bed as we were, but with me as an observer. The other ‘me’, then opened her eyes, and looked at me in complete terror! Every time i felt extreme fear in my dream, my son would fling his arms around me or cry out. As if he was experiencing the dream with me! Wierdest thing was that i was dreaming lucidly, yet also aware of waking reality…This has happened often in the last couple of weeks in varying forms, and also strong telepathy whilst awake between my son and i…What on earth is going on? Please help!!
Great dream melissa. Found it very interesting - children are great dreamers, i find. I think they often have alot of amazing things to show us. Sounds you have a really good psychic link.
I am part of a dream group, communicating by email. When we were just starting out, I was trying to meet them one night. Suprisingly enough, I had a dream where I thought I’d met one of the women in the group. It took place by the ocean, and there was her baby is there too. She’d mentioned her daughter, but never told us how old she was. It turned out that the description of her was quite accurate. What was interesting, was that her daughter later appeared to me in a dream, on her own. She ended up telling me something about her mum.
On a more serious note, maybe both of you are experiencing a fear of seperation, so the antagonist that breaks down your door is that invisible threat manifesting itself? Talk about it with your son, it should help with talk that comfort both of you that you are inseperatable.
Thanks for those posts Chosenone and Explora. You hit the nail on the head, chosenone, about the fear of separation. I’m a single mother, and my ex is threatening to take my son from me at the moment. i hadnt looked at it from that viewpoint before. The problems ive had lately have probably increased the psychic link between us… I only have to think of something lately and he responds without my having said a word! (ie the other day,i realised he might be hungry, and was thinking ‘maybe he’d like a banana’. Immediately, he said, ‘mum, i want a banana’. Not earth shattering stuff, but undeniable all the same…)
And by the way, it would make a good film, youre right!!
Thanks, Mel
You know, studies show that the brainwaves that are responsible for things like telepathy, ESP, etc are present in sleep. Since you and your child are close, its no wonder your experiencing this “link”.