I listen to hard rock music before I go to bed. For some reason, rock music makes me tired, then I take the headphones off and go to bed. While Im listening to it, I get pumped up and then that pumping up decreases my energy, and thats what makes me sleepy. Will this effect my ability to remember dreams, or perform MILD, since Im thinking about the music Im listening to instead of saying “I am going to sleep now. I will remember my dream tonight”? If you think the musics interfering with the LD’s, then Ill put the CD player up.
What I would recommend is lidten to your music and then take your headphones off and peform MILD while going to bed
Last night i had my cd player on all night while asleep, I didn’t become lucid but i had a dream, and i remembered it in full. None of the dream really had anything to do with the music.
when i listen to music before my sleep I always dream something…but those dreams are sort of strange and frightening
LSD perhaps the music was to quite, if it is too loud or two quite it won’t work properly in your dream.