Does anyone get this strange feeling while they WILD, that they start to feel crooked in their bed? It seems like my head is pointing a bit to the left or right, and I KNOW that I am indeed straight forward. Its happened to me VERY often. I get a “wait a second…” moment and think “am i leaning to the side in my bed?” Anyone know why?
Weird, I have that happen all the time, but I’m not attempting WILD. I like it.
I’ve heard that in trance you may not be aware of the exact position of your body. I think the goal is to forget about having a body.
yeah…very hard not to notice it, just pops in your mind out of no where . thanks for the info, guys.
Well being the “lucky” guy I am whenever I get that feeling it irritates the hell out of me and I cant concentrate so I move and lose whatever trance I was in. O well I guess I just have to keep trying.
Haha, it irritated me the first time - I opened my eyes, thought “i knew it!” and went back to WILDing, it happened again, and I knew where I was, though it was nearly impossible to visualize it.