So last night was a big success for me, so I just thought to share that with you! I’m still pretty excited about it, because I kinda break my dry spell!
So the story of the last night goes something like this:
I went to bed at 10:30pm [yes pretty early, but hey I wanna good long sleep], and at that point I was using MILD, more because of mantra for DR, and more for visualizing myself in a dream then actually becoming lucid. [I usually use that for motivation]
Then I woke up at 1:40am from a ND and I wrote it down, and went back to sleep, I didn’t use and particular technique to induce LD. Then again waking up at 3am from another ND, but then I used FILD to induce LD, and gues what?! It worked!
That was my first LD that night, it wasn’t very vivid or detailed because I’m having bad DR. After waking up from this LD I used chaining for second one and for third LD, and after those I had one more ND.
So definitely last night was a WIN for me, 3 ND and 3 LD!
But i have one question about second and third LD: every time I entered in dream [using chaining] at first everything was dark, and then in second LD I felt on my left arm between elbow and palm very strange sensation, it was like my arm didn’t have a bone in structure and my hand was going like up and down just like a wave, but that gave me a clue for third LD because it happened again but on the right leg, so I instantly knew that I was in a dream, but I still used RC to be sure. So actually my question is has anybody experienced something like that?!