Long-Term Lucid Tasklist!

Was expecting mirrors and mirror task after watching Matrix Resurrection but instead a very very long dream with lots and lots of water. I’d like to claim the exploring a river task again and for length, well, probably the max length you can claim? Sleep tracker reports 20 minutes. :shrug: Throughout the whole, I was aware of everything being a dream, not being in my real body, the thoughts and anxieties of the person I was in and my own thoughts too. https://community.ld4all.com/t/surrealistic-dreams/75585/25?u=surrealistic

Due to length the write up is mostly just summarising, the task is in paragraph 4 if you’re skim reading.

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Congrats, @Splash, @Marvin, and @Surrealistic on your dreams! (Sorry I didn’t respond earlier… low recall and I wasn’t getting forum notification email notifications. :stuck_out_tongue: ) I’ll log all your points. :grinning:

@Surrealistic: the way I do lengths is for “perceived experiences subtracting time jump FMs”. So, if it feels like I spent three minutes doing whatever in the dream that’s what I count. If I have a time jump that comes with a bunch of FMs that make it “feel” like a lot of time has gone by I usually don’t count those. (I can usually tell when a time jump occurs to be able to avoid counting that time.)

I also have a short lucid dream to report. No tasks… but lucidity is lucidity.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Another lucid for me. Both of the lucids I had this morning weren’t really long… I’ll only claim a short LD then. No tasks…

Though I wonder if some more shapeshifting tasks are in order? What do people think about shapeshifting tasks in to animals? Should there be separate tasks for things like dogs / cats? Or would “Quadruped” work best? More tasks is nice… but at some point there’s repetition and not a lot of coverage. :wink:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Another lucid for me. A bit slow to post. No tasks and it’s just a short one… but still. It’s something!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

All That I Want(ed) was a hot bath in a short lucid this morning. 1 point for length please ^.^
Wasn’t doing much induction or awareness practice lately so I don’t attain lucidity very much lately. I am slowly changing that now. Having a few consecutive holidays thanks to Chinese New Year is a good place to start.


2022-02-01T06:00:00Z: Aliens

Objective: Interact with an extraterrestrial dream character!

Time for another space task… and this one you can even do on solid ground! For this task, you just need to interact with aliens of some kind. Whether it’s cycling across the sky with an ET in your basket, fighting off xenomorphs, or eluding a predator lurking in the jungles as you try to survive, as long as they’re clearly not from “earth”, you’ll have this task in the bag… Just make sure you do your best in any First Contact scenarios you find yourself!

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@Marvin , I’ll log your point. It’s not much… but it’s something! :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I had a lucid dream that went a little Unplanned :joy: I did rehearse my goals but WL memory was too foggy inside the dream so I failed to complete any task. As for length, this one was a bit more on the longer side, which makes me happy. 3 points for duration please :slight_smile:

I tried to fall asleep again after this one with the strong ambition of achieving a task, even if lucidity would be very short. But sleep was really weird today :confused:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Heh… nice dream, @Marvin . I shall log your points immediately.

I also had a dream this morning. Well… you can take a peek at that entry, but it doesn’t have much in it. I forgot what I was planning to do and the dream decided to go elsewhere… :stuck_out_tongue: It was about 4-5 minutes long, though… I’ll lean a bit more towards the shorter side and claim 2 points.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Among many other things I did some Contemplations this morning. The lucidity is worth one point for length and nothing for tasks. But I made some progress on a personal goal, which is nice :content:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I shall log your point, @Marvin. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve been a bit of a slump, myself… haven’t had a lucid in quite a bit… still… I might have one randomly tonight… Who knows?

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I should log on here more often and be all “might have an LD tonight, haha, just kidding, unless…” :stuck_out_tongue:

It wasn’t very noteworthy… beyond the fact that I had to snip the whole thing… I think it was longer than usual… somewhere around two minutes… but given my lack of recallable details… I’ll just mark it down as short. One point. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I had a medium-short LD this morning. The whole thing is practically marked as lucid, but between the massive amount of DO scenes and how plotswept I got… I’ll just count it as a little shorter than the full length of the dream. (Which would have been… 5-7 minutes?) Anywho… I tried for the Animated Dreamscape task again… and while it kinda worked… I’m still not happy with it… so… yea… just another portal task for me. That two finger trick is very nice. :slight_smile:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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A medium-short LD for me this morning. I did the skydive task again… but I’m not pleased with it so I won’t be counting it. The best part was missing… an impactful landing. :stuck_out_tongue: So just the lucid points for me.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Here’s another short lucid with Mr. Elevator Revelator being so kind to me to give away that I was in a dream. Length is just shy of 2 minutes so 1 point. I succeed in growing arms again which should be 2 points I think.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I shall log your points, @Marvin! Excited you got spectral arms… You should plan out things to do with them! Like lifting things or smashing through walls, or climbing with them. I think I’ve done the task once already… if I did it again I’d want to use my new arms to do something cool! (Not saying you have to… just growing them will net you the points… just trying to encourage some ideas.)

I also had a medium-short LD this morning. I did both the pizza task and the firebending task! I’m gonna go with pizza again as the firebending task didn’t really feel like ATLA firebending… and I actually incubated the pizza one a bit recently. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

EDIT: Now I feel like I have to do the portal task again… so I can be the first one to have a row complete… you’re right there with me, @Marvin, with four “Many Arms” checkmarks!!!


I was having some Jump 'n Cycle fun tonight. The dream length borders on 2 minutes but since I’m not super satisfied with lucidity levels I’ll “round down“ to 1 point. No tasks.

@Marvin , I shall log your point!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

2022-03-01T06:00:00Z: Grow a Plant!

Objective: Plant something in the ground and help it grow.

For this task, you’ll need to find anything, plant it in the ground, and maybe give it a little water or lucid magic in order to see what sprouts. Perhaps you’ve come into possession of some magic beans and will soon find yourself climbing high into the sky. Maybe you’re playing in a sand box and you bury a toy car. What grows from that? Only one way to find out! Of course, regular plants will suffice as well. Fruits, vegetables, flowers… Fields and fields of beautiful flowers sounds like quite the sight to take in in a dream, eh?

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I had a short lucid dream this morning! I tried to do some tasks… but beyond briefly featuring another LTLT participant, I failed to do anything of note. Just the point. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.