Long-Term Lucid Tasklist!

A medium-short LD for me this morning. I did the skydive task again… but I’m not pleased with it so I won’t be counting it. The best part was missing… an impactful landing. :stuck_out_tongue: So just the lucid points for me.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Here’s another short lucid with Mr. Elevator Revelator being so kind to me to give away that I was in a dream. Length is just shy of 2 minutes so 1 point. I succeed in growing arms again which should be 2 points I think.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I shall log your points, @Marvin! Excited you got spectral arms… You should plan out things to do with them! Like lifting things or smashing through walls, or climbing with them. I think I’ve done the task once already… if I did it again I’d want to use my new arms to do something cool! (Not saying you have to… just growing them will net you the points… just trying to encourage some ideas.)

I also had a medium-short LD this morning. I did both the pizza task and the firebending task! I’m gonna go with pizza again as the firebending task didn’t really feel like ATLA firebending… and I actually incubated the pizza one a bit recently. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

EDIT: Now I feel like I have to do the portal task again… so I can be the first one to have a row complete… you’re right there with me, @Marvin, with four “Many Arms” checkmarks!!!


I was having some Jump 'n Cycle fun tonight. The dream length borders on 2 minutes but since I’m not super satisfied with lucidity levels I’ll “round down“ to 1 point. No tasks.

@Marvin , I shall log your point!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

2022-03-01T06:00:00Z: Grow a Plant!

Objective: Plant something in the ground and help it grow.

For this task, you’ll need to find anything, plant it in the ground, and maybe give it a little water or lucid magic in order to see what sprouts. Perhaps you’ve come into possession of some magic beans and will soon find yourself climbing high into the sky. Maybe you’re playing in a sand box and you bury a toy car. What grows from that? Only one way to find out! Of course, regular plants will suffice as well. Fruits, vegetables, flowers… Fields and fields of beautiful flowers sounds like quite the sight to take in in a dream, eh?

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I had a short lucid dream this morning! I tried to do some tasks… but beyond briefly featuring another LTLT participant, I failed to do anything of note. Just the point. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Another short-ish lucid dream. No tasks, unfortunately. Was too busy being angry.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

After a long lucid dry spell, I’m back with two lucids. :yay:
I suppose I’ll claim the last one as a medium LD with the instrument task again! Almost filled in the row.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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@Splash, congrats and welcome back! I shall log your points immediately. (And I shall await reading more of your dreams in the future; I have missed them. :slightly_smiling_face: )

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Just a Medium Length lucid for me.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I had a lucid dream and it felt like it was Mating Season? A little hard to tell but that somehow was the theme of the dwn I think. Inside the dream it felt pretty long, but in retrospective I’ll only claim 2 points for length. I did the dragon transformation though, which is my (anyone’s?) first :bounce:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

@JohnnyReklaw , I’ll log your points right away.

@Marvin , gah! You beat me to the dragon task. I’ve been considering doing that one lately and was hoping to nab the first checkmark for it but gah! :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll log your points too.

And I also had a lucid dream this morning. I think it was medium-short in length… no tasks… but it was nice to be lucid again. I always seem to be less lucid this time of year… must be the weather… (or the daylight savings time :stuck_out_tongue: ).

For reference, the task board can be found here.


And another! No tasks, though… This one is probably just a short one… it might have reached medium-short length, but my memory is a bit fuzzy.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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And two more! The longest of which was still a short lucid dream… but in that dream I ended up (semi-accidentally as the opportunity just presented itself) taking a dip in some lava! The floor was lava!!! So a short lucid dream and the first checkmark in that category. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


I went Back Home (spatially and temporally) in a lucid dream. 4 points for length and my final checkmark for the multi arms task.

Now I have to find a new LD staple task :lol:

For reference, the task board can be found here.


Wonderful dream, @Marvin! And congrats on clearing out the first task! I shall log your points immediately. :slightly_smiling_face:

I also had a lucid dream (a few days ago :stuck_out_tongue: ). It was probably medium short… but I did manage to do the rewind time task again! So 2 points for the lucidity, and 4 for the task. :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Just a micro lucid for me this morning. Momentarily had a flash of lucidity, did a thing, and ended up swept up in plot… So… yea… Just one point.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Congrats on filling the row @Marvin !

I had a medium length lucid, no tasks, but a really meaningful experience. :heart: :heart:

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THIS was a 6-8 minute (4 point) dream, which included a time rewind task.

For reference, the task board can be found here

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