Long-Term Lucid Tasklist!

I’m all about the space tasks, but also 2D quest interests me because I haven’t experienced that in a lucid dream. And like mentioned above I’m interested to do some flying and test if I feel an invisible ceiling or if I can fly to space.


Short Lucid. Really hoping to pick up the pace again soon.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I will log your point, @JohnnyReklaw :slightly_smiling_face:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

I had a short lucid dream this morning. Almost did a task; even recalled the task I wanted to do… but I decided to follow the plot and see what happened.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Aahah :sob: I thought I had finally remembered a task, but turns out I did the reverse of Undersized :crazy_face:

Life has been quite stressful lately with new job and trying to book a holiday but everything getting cancelled and changed. I hope to get back into the tasklist soon though and catch up on everyone’s adventures.

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2022-08-01T05:00:00Z: Phase Through The World

Objective: Break physics by phasing through solid matter.

For this task, you’ll need to perform a common reality check… but to the extreme! Your goal is to pass entirely through solid geometry. Whether that’s a wall, a window, a door… a tree, a boulder, the ground itself… or even something more exotic… like an animal. As long as the object you pass through is a solid and the majority of yourself passes through it, it’ll count! So go noclip dream reality!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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This should be super easy for me as I do that all the time. Now if I only had some LDs again :joy:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

You know how easy, @Marvin ? Yesterday I did it right after posting the task. :stuck_out_tongue: I had a medium lucid dream in which I immediately recalled the task and stepped through a wall a couple times. Yay LDs. :stuck_out_tongue:

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Almost forgot to claim some lucid points for a medium-short lucid dream in which I danced The Charleston with Carol.

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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I’ll log your points, @Splash!

I had a medium lucid dream in which I did… a lot! But no tasks. Still… it was very fun!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

i did have a lucid dream where i ended up in a savanna! but it was one in which there were antelopes grazing at night, and i ended up getting attacked by a pair of lions and had to escape into a tree. it was not too long being lucid, about 3 minutes?


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I will log your points, @TheNexus ! As a note, I spied other lucid dreams in your journal. Are you only claiming dreams with tasks, by any chance? (This is fine… but you could claim all the lucids you have! Also… wow… you only write one “paragraph” per dream… :stuck_out_tongue: )

For reference, the task board can be found here.

oh i didnt know i could claim other lucid dreams, that’s neat! and i kinda forgot i was supposed to separate out my paragraphs haha, i’ll start doing that from now on

I have a Pool Party For Two to report. A little shy of 2 minutes, it’s one point for lucidity and none for tasks.

@TheNexus , you can claim points for all lucids, not just ones you do tasks in! If you’d like, please make a list of the dreams you’d want me to read and post them here. I’ll give them a once over. :slight_smile:

@Marvin , I will add your point to the score board!

For reference, the task board can be found here.

Yes! I want to claim points for this (short) one with the ceiling task and then lucid points for this medium one.

I intended to get in here to claim points sooner, but my capacity has been severely limited lately (by the dog issues).

For reference, the task board can be found here.

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Demon Child in the Church, 8 minutes

one here, Fireworks Beyond the Mountains, 1 or 2 minutes

the zoo of extraordinary animals, 8 or 9 minutes

Lily of Nuana Tatani for this page, 4 minutes

there’s two here, A Teacher’s Spirit (7 minutes) and Betelgeuse (2 minutes)

Come all the Way Home, 6 minutes

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@Splash , logged!

@TheNexus , also logged! (and it looks like the one with two actually had three, if you want to claim the other, I just need a length. :slight_smile: Also… the giant paragraphs hurt my brain. :stuck_out_tongue: )

For reference, the task board can be found here.

ah yes, i think for the third one it was about 3 minutes? (my apologies about the giant paragraphs :sweat_smile:)

@TheNexus , no worries. I’ll log your points. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll also log my points as I had a short lucid dream this morning.

For reference, the task board can be found here.