@TheNexus , also logged! (and it looks like the one with two actually had three, if you want to claim the other, I just need a length. Also… the giant paragraphs hurt my brain. )
Time for another flight task. For this one, you’ll need to fly from the surface of some planet into space. Specifically, your goal is to get above the atmosphere, or near to it. If you’re high enough that you can see “past” the horizon in all directions, congratulations! How you get there? It doesn’t matter! Willpower flight, magic wings, a power suit, an airplane, a space ship, you “moved the planet away from you”. As long as you transition from being on the ground (or close enough to it) to a low orbit, it will count!
I’ll log your point, @TheNexus , and eating ice cream will eventually be a task… I think it’s in the backlog… so you’ll have to revisit this dream again!
As for me… I had two LDs this morning! So I’ll claim the one that was about three minutes long in which I did a WILD!! I also pulled of the portal trick a couple times, and while I could claim the animated world twice over… I’ll claim the portal trick because I want to clear a row of checkmarks.
Now, im not entirely sure whether i get points for this one or not haha, because I (technically?) spoke to an alien but it was just a disembodied voice in the sky and I didn’t really get to talk to them outside of greeting one another? up to you
I’ll log your lucid points, @TheNexus , but I’ll leave it up to you if you want to claim the task. It sounds like according to how I wrote the task it could be claimed, so if you feel like you want to you can. Or if it wasn’t “good enough” for you, you can hold off. (I have held off on a few claims because I wasn’t happy with the result, but you don’t have to!)
EDIT: even if the aliens task doesn’t count… you definitely jumped in a river and exploring a river is a task!!
This morning I had two lucid dreams! The latter of which was about three or so minutes long… and I interacted with a couple aliens! I want to thank @TheNexus for trying so hard for the task as I’m sure reading about his dreams and trials and success semi-incubated this dream for me.