I had a medium-short lucid this morning. I sort of explored a Volcano? I’m a bit on the fence if it should count as it was only briefly a full-sized fiery mountain… My flying around it kinda caused it to go all perspective wonky on me… and end up like a model. That was annoying… I don’t think I’ll count it since I’m so on the fence.
I had a short lucid dream yesterday, and what could be better entertainment at a Rural Family Party than to grow extra arms! 1 point for length and 3 I believe for the task, please
Lucidity is working quite well again recently, I like it!
Congratulations @Marvin! I shall log your points! Oh… and… I shall log my points! I had three… THREE… lucids this morning… and I did a task! I… also did the additional arms one! @Marvin, we are so in sync. To estimate my dream lengths, in order of occurrence… medium-short, medium short, and short… though that last one was potentially medium or longer, but I had trouble recalling how much of it was actually lucid…
Lucidity has been very nice to me lately… I wonder if it’s because of the bargain I made with The Director.
I have a small contribution there is a task for creating a portal, and jumping through was like skydiving so I took @Cornelia_Xaos advice and went splat! It was fun, I thought it would hurt for some reason, but of course, no reason it should.
I had a lucid last week where I was in a land plagued with acid rain, but after waking I couldn’t be sure it was another planet or not. I decided not to claim it.
Even if you are not sure whether it was another planet or not, as long as you are sure that you were lucid, you can still claim lucidity points for it! All you need is some “proof” (=DJ log or at least summary of the dream) and your statement how long it was.
I’ve decided to only claim when I do one of the tasks, since my natural state 80% of the time is to understand or know its a dream, at least at a low level. The challenge for me is to remember the tasks or specific things to do oh and to write the dreams down after waking, I am very bad at that.
Congratulations @Surrealistic! I shall log your points. Also, in addition to what @Marvin said, the task board does have a “handicap” field, if you’d like to still be able to claim lucid dreams without tasks. I think it applies to total points right now, but there’s no reason why I couldn’t extend it to have a value that just handicaps lucid points. The only thing is… it would handicap all lucid points so… yea… Up to you! (Though your current approach seems fine… I did wonder while reading your dreams if you were just lucid all the time since it seemed like it. )
I had a medium lucid dream this morning! Unfortunately, no tasks done… though I could almost claim the river task as I flew alongside one briefly. I don’t feel like I explored it, though, so I’m gonna let it slide.
I had a short and to the point lucid dream, Reflected Change. It’s worth one point for length, but no tasks. I put my hand into a mirror but didn’t go all the way through and it was only an RC, not a conscious task attempt.
Got two short LDs to report, but no tasks to my recall. Strange though because I do recall thinking ‘well at least I can claim walking on the ceiling again’ in the moment between the end of the dream and fully waking up, but I don’t actually recall doing it, so, no task.
No pizza still but I do feel like I reached some kind of significant emotional space in the first one.
It’s time for another trip to the final frontier… and it’s time to visit the flashier, “cooler” sibling of the asteroid… a comet! So head into space, however you’d like, and find yourself a comet to explore! Locating the thing should be pretty easy… they have a bright and shiny tail! As to what to do when you get there… look around amongst all that ice and dust. Take in the show as you soar towards a distant star…
@Splash, you’ll get that pizza before you know it! I’ll go ahead and log your points right away! … and while I’m at it…
I had a short lucid dream this morning! I did two tasks, the portal and animated dreamscape tasks… but I’m only going to claim the portal one. I would like to be in Equestria for longer than fifteen to thirty seconds.
A short lucid dream this morning… I managed to do the portal task, yet again… and turn into a pony… but still didn’t end up in Equestria, despite my best efforts… well… there’s always tonight!
I shall log your points right away!! And I don’t think you were a dork… that dream was awesome.
Thanks. I’m still not quite where I’m wanting to get for the pony dreams… I would like to get to actual Equestria and spend some decent time there… Only have done so once now… though I’ve been there twice in non-lucids as well. And yea… I visualized that portal trick IWL a lot. Just walking around thinking about what I would do and miming taking one hand, two fingers extended, and slicing a tear in the fabric of reality. It’s incredibly easy to do and get anwhere… sometimes… the last few tries seem to just drop me right back where I left from… Maybe because I’m not focusing well on where I want to go afterwards… “Equestria” might be too vague.
Time for another trip to space… but… well… I guess we never left space… This time, though, it’s time to go explore… a star? Time to fly straight into a star! Maybe log the last moments of your ship as you nose dive into the white, red, blue… purple? I suppose, if that’s too extreme, you could explore the space around the star… Maybe there’s a megastructure built around it like a Dyson Sphere. For this task, all you have to do is aim, quite literally, for the star(s)!